Minutes 10-16-67MI~3TES OF BOARD OF ADJUS~4ENT ~ETING, MONDAY, OCTOBE~ 16, 1967 ~3 P.M. !~LD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 5' O PRESENT George Davis~ Chairman jack Ridgeway William Y~tes Curtis Weaver, (Alto) Ray Allen (Alt ~ ) RObert ~rand (Alt.) Stuart Fuller, Building Official. ABSENT Thomas Dean AlbertMcGregor 1.~. Davi% Chairman opened the meeting. He advised that Mro Dean was in the hospital and unable to attend. Alternates Mr. Weaver, Mm° Allen and ~o Brand, replaced the members who were absent and Mr. Yates, who excused himself due to interests in the case. MIh~TES Mr. Ridgeway moved that the minutes of the last meeting be accepted. Seconded by ~. Brand. Minutes accepted as written. YGBLIC HEARING R~quest for variance in setback requirements on the following described property: Lot ~3!, less the North 30 Ft. thereof, and all of Lot 130, Block A~ Boynton Hills Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51, Palm Beach County records~ Address; 31~ North Seacrest Boulevard Owner~ ~ss Maud Waltace ~. Davis asked if there was anyone in the audience who had any objec- tions to the request° There were only two people attending the meeting, one was the owner of the property and the other was a neighbor, They had no objections. ~SSs Wallace, owner of the property came forward, and advised the Board that the only thing she had in mind was the carport and she would need about tO feet in line with the present fence. She would like to finish the parking spaces alone Seacrest and fix it up a bit. Discussion held. ~iss Wallace advised she wanted to put it all in blacktop along Sea- crest. -1 - ~2NUTES Board of Adjustment ~eting October 16~ 1967 ~ro Davis asked her if she had talked with her neighbors about this matter~ Had she talked with the Baptist Church? Miss ~!allace advised that she had talked with her neighbors, but had not talked with anyone at the Church. ~o Weaver asked if it would just be a Carport with a flat roof and poles. ~ss Wallace advised yes° As far as the people from the Baptist Church, they are using my parking area every Sunday and that makes it rough at times too° I live there and if it is possible, I would like to have cover for my car° Discussion held. ~'~o Brand moved that due to the hardships of congested parking situation and also due to the unusual shape of the property, that this request for variance be granted with the provision that the construction be entirely within th~ property limits. Seconded by I~. Ridgeway. Unanimously carried. There was no further business to be discussed. ~. Brand moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by~. Ridgeway. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M. George Davis, Chairman~ -2-