Minutes 07-17-67MINUTES OF BOARD OF ADJUS~ENT MEETINGs MONDAY JULY I7, 1967 'HELD IN CITY HALL ~ BOYNTON BE~kCH: FLORIDA ~ AT ~: 30 P. M. PRESENT: GEORGE WI LLI~G'i Ho YATES J. W. RIDG~AY GEORGE CD~fM IN S THOMAS Ho DEAN CURT I S WEAVER (Alt . ROBE~ C~ Mr. Ray Allen was present but not sitting on the board. Mr. Davis, Chairman oE the Boards'opened the meeting. MII~UOT ES : Mr. Yates moved that they dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and approve them as written. Seconded by Mr. Ridgeway. Unanimously carried. REOUEST FQ~. Variance in rear setLack and parking area requirements, Lots 9, 10~ 11~ !2~ 13 & 14~ less W. 25' R/W of U. S. #1 (SR ~5)~ The Lawns Subdivision~ as recorded in Plat Book 9~ Pg. 69~ Palm Beach County records. Address: Owner: 200 S. Federal Highway Msrjory Staniland Van Nortwick There were no written objections to this request and there was no one in the audience opposing the request. Mr. David came forward to defend the request and advise that they no longer wanted a 7-11 store (as appeared on original plans) or anything like that on the property, but they ~do want general retail stores plus a laundry and cleaners. One space for each 300 square feet required for retail store parkings which would require 8 car spaces for retail store parking: five car spaces required for laundry and cleaners. Total of 13 spaces required. Mr. Ridgeway advised there would be a water and sewer main and high-wire problem. Mr. David advised that he would bring a letter from the owner stating that they would pay expenses for moving water and sewer lines. Discussion held: Ordinance 62-9 requires 20' rear yard set-back. Originally this property was ll4' and when U. S. #l was built they lost 25' from the front of the property. Further discussion held: Mr. David advised that they would have a coin operated laundry with an operatcr during the day. There was an easement by prescription - no easement of record. He also advised there was an under groun~ telephone cable which was very recently put on this property. MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JULY 17, 1967 Further discussion held: There is a sewer line running North and South at the proDerty line. There is also a water main that runs across the building site. Walter Dutch come forward and advised that before Ordinance 62-9 (the property was acquired before that time) they had an income b~;ding on that property. If they leave ~' easement when the property is developed on the East side they can leave ~' ease- ment from their property and then they will have the 10' ease- ment requested. Florida Power and Light make no claim for the easements on the property. Ail the utility companies advise they have no easements in the Lawns Sub-division. Further discussion held~ Mr. Ridgeway moved that variance be given subject to compliance with the Zoning Ordinance on the parking and that the owner will pay all expenses of relocating any water lines and any other utilities that have to be relocated. Seconded by Mr. Weaver. Voted ~ in favor and Mr. Davis refrained from voting. Motion passed. Mr. Ridgeway moved the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Davis Meeting ~d3ourned at 6:30 P. M. Seconded by GEORGE C, DAVIS~ CHAIi~,~N -2-