Minutes 05-22-67MINUTES OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT F~ETING~ MONDAY~ ~Y 22~ 1967 HELD IN CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA PRESENT: MR. GEORGE DAVIS J. W. RIDGEWAY: ACTING CHAIRMAN RAY ALLEN (alt.) GEORGE CUMMINS (Alt..) THOMAS DEAN ROBERT BP~%ND The Meeting was called to order by Mr-. George Davis. M~U~S Mr. Ridgeway moved that the minutes be accepted. Mr. Brand. Unanimously carried. Seconded by NEW BUSINESS Variance in rear setback requirements, Lots 5, 6, 7~ 8, less West 25' and Lot 95 Lots 96~ Lawns Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 69~ Palm Beach County re cords. Address: 112 So. U.S.~i Highway Owner: H. Peirce Brawner Mr. Davis disqualified himself from the Committee and took his place in the audience. Mr. Ridgeway took over the meeting and read the description of the property involved. Discussion was held at this time. Mr. Fred Hollingsworth, Attorney representin~ Petitioner, came forth and discussed this matter in detail before the Board. He advised of two such eases in the Statutes as follows: Sakolsky vs. City of Coral Gables, 151 So. 2d~ 433 and City of Gainesvil!e vs. Bishop~ 174 So. 2d~ 100. These t~;o cases hold that a mistake in the issuance of a permit that a property owner is allowed to go ahead with the building as ori- ginally requested and the City may not prevent him from going ahead. Mr. Hollingsworth advised that a copy of. the case in Gainesville has already been furnished to the City Attorney of Boynton Beach. Mr. Bill Tirsbier advised that he designed and drew the plans on this building and he took them to the City Engineer prior to starting the work on the project. He stated that how this error got by them is a real question.. Mr. Robert Kime~ Attorney representing the Scotts, owners of the abut- ting property came forth protesting the variance being granted and advised that inadvertently they have decided to make a change in the zoning ordinances and that perhaps this might be an opportunity to revie%' the zoning in this area and also consider changing them at this time. -1- MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 22~ 1967 He also advised that these people have changed the elevation and are higher than the surrounding ground and some water will be dumped on the lower ground and may be they have some way to have this water situation corrected before anything further goes ahead on this project and requested that this request be turned down. Mr. Hollingsworth took the floor again and discussed in detail the water situation that Mr. Kime brought up. Mr. George Davis came forward and gave the ~ason for the elevation being higher and pointed out the sketch on the slate at the front of the room the reason the property was this elevated. Mr. Ray Allen wanted to know when the error was discovered. Mr. Davis advised that the building was 90 to 95% completed before the error was discovered. Mr. Brand moved that the Petition be approved. Seconded by Mr. Cummins. Unanimously carried. Motion granted. -~-'~ Mr. Brand moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Cummins. Unanimously voted. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 P.M. -2-