Minutes 03-27-67MLNUTES OF BOARD OF ADGUSTMENT MEETING, MARCH 27, 1967 at 5:30 P.M.
George Davis
William Yates
J. Ridgev~y
Robert C. Brand, (Alt.) Sitting in as regular member.
Curtis Weaver, (Alt.) Sitting in as regular member. '
George Cummins, Alternate
Albert L. McGregor
Thomas H. Dean
Mr. Davis called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Mr. Brand made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes
dated March 13, 1967~ seconded by Mr. Yates and it was unan/mously
Variance in square footage requirements of residences
Lots 4 thru 11 incl. g Lots 13 thru 17 incl., Gay-Mar
Estates~ as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 110, and
the South 460'xi30~ lying South of Lots t2 thru 17,
Gay-Mar Estates in an unplatted area in Sec. 33~
Township 45S, Range 43 East.
Address: 100 Block S.E. 2Yth Ave. g 100 Blk $.E. 27th Ct.
O~er: Thornc~es t ~ Inc.
Applicant: Leon CloUtier
Mr. Davis read a letter of protest received by the City Clerk from
Mr. John Suiter, 190 S.E. 27th Avenue. Mr. Suiter had enclosed a copy
of a letter he had addressed earlier to the Platting and Zoning Board
on this matter.
Mr. Leon Cioutier came forward to speak in favor of his request.
Mr. Davis asked if there were any objectors present who wished to speak
regarding the matter.
Mr. D. C.Horne, 195 S.E. 27th Ct., came forward to speak regarding this
request. He stated they are in favor of his house but do not want the
area dog-n-graded.
Mr. H. V. MacDona!d~ 125 S.E. 27th Avenue, came ~orward stating he lives
next to the model house and that Mr. Cloutier builds a fine house, but
he did not want the zoning changed.
MARCH 27~ 1967
~s. John Suiter, 190 S.E. 27th Avenue, came forward stating she did
not mind the 1360' house but she did not see the reason to cut down
the lots less than 75Y.
Mr. John Porter~ 191 S.E. 27th Cout, came forward to speak in opposi-
tion to the request.
Mr. Leon R~ Everett~ 197 S.E. 27th Avenue: came forward to speak in
opposition to the request.
M~?o Yates moved that this request be granted providing that Lots 1-1t
as presently marked down~ do not fall below 70' frontage~ and the
balance of the lots ~ the unptatted section to follow the plot lines
just opposite to them. l'~otion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Brand moved that the request be denied~ seconded by Mr. Weaver..
They £elt Mr. Clout!er would be extended a privilege which other people
in this area would n,)t be given. Motion carried 4-1. ~. Yates cast
the dissenting vote°
Mr. Yates moved th~.t the meeting be adjourned: seconded by Mr. Brand
and unanimously carried.
April 4, 1967
Geor~_-~s: ~ha irman