Minutes 01-20-67~III,~dTES OF BOARD OF A~TdST~.~I~IT ~-~ETING: JAt~]JARY 20~ 1967 at 5:30 P.M.., HELD IN CITY HALLs BOYNTON BE~.CH~ FLORIDA. PRESENT: William H. Yates George Davis J. W. Ridgeway George Cummins ~ Alternate Robert C. Brand~ Alternate %Uaomas H. Dean~ Alternate ABSENT: Albert L. McGrego~ James Sarno Curtis Weaver: Alternate Mr. Yates called the meeting to Order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Yates ~etated the maLn purpose of this meeting was to elect a Chairman~ Vice ChaiPman, and Secretary for the year 1967. Mr. Yates made a motion to nominate Mr. George Davis aS Chairman~ Mr. Ridgeway seconded and it was unanimously caDried, Mr. Yates made a motion to nominate Mr. Jack Ridgeway as Vice Chair- man. Mr. Da%is seconded and it was unanimously ea~mied. Mr. Cummins made a motion to nominate M~. William Yates as Secretary; seconded by ~']r. Davis and it was unan~ously carried. Mr. Davis made a mo=ion go let The records show that the seats have been filled~ seconded by Mr. Cummins and it was unan/mously carried. The members of the board discussed the possibility of changing the day of the meetings to Monday at 5:30 P.M. Cunmnins made a motion to accept this change; ~econded by Davis and it was unanimously carried. At this t/me, all the members of the Bosmd of Adjustment engaged in a discussion regarding the purpose of this b~ard, its rules and regulations and voting procedu~r, es. Meeting adjourned. George 'baSis: Chairman