Minutes 11-21-66MINUTES OF BOARD OF AD~N3STMt~[T ~,~_~ETING, NO¥-E~ZBER 21, 1966 AT 5:'30 P.M~ PRESENT: William Yates, Chairman Albert Wehrell Jay Sarno Dgve Swank George 'Davis Harold Blanchette, Building Inspector Robert Huest6n. 7D_ternate Donald Besecker~ Alternate George Cummins, Alternate Mr. Yates stated that Mr. Floyd Christensen is requesting a variance in the rear set back requirements, Lots 62 & 63, Lmkeside Gardens. Mr. Cb~istensen c~m~e forward and stated he wanted to-putthe James Melton Cyc!orama buitdirg on this property. The building is 52' in depth. He wants to put ~ a walkway in front with entrance on the north and exit on the east. The lot is less than tO0' and this just leaves 3' for covered wal~ay in front of building after settir~ back 20~. He would like to Set ~' from the rear line] Mr~ Davis noted he has 8 1/2~ more infront than required and asked.-why the building could hot be pulled toward the front~ ~. Christensen stated it is commercial land, and the land in the back is of no value~ whatsoever, and it would give him more parking soace in the front. ~,h~o ChriStensen stated this is a hardship to him because if he cannot sot the building on this property as requested, he v~uld have to cut new entrances, and it would ruin the paintings in the building. He cannot face the buildirg to the street because it is too ~de. M~. Champney~ Potter Road, came forward and stated his objection is on the basis of better city planning, He thinks restrictions and Ordinances are lax enough without giving away the use of the land by variances and allowances on restrictions when it was made ~-~. Mr. Chs/r~pney stated ne does not like to see people build up to the lot line~ He pointed out that one exit will be against the property~ and 'the north entrance will not be toward the street. He asked if the fire department would not object to this.. Mr. Sarno asked what the building is to be used for and how ~any people will be in the buildirg, and how many parking spaces are available. Mr. Christensen answered that he could not answer that right now. He stated if he can get a liquor license he will make a lounge ou~ of it, or it could be a restaurant. He stated he could get thirty automobiles in the parking area. It was noted that the building inspector is~to decide how' many parkiDg soaces will be needed. If he does not have enough parking, then he could not get a permit. i~. Sarno moved that the variance be der_led. Mr. Swank seconded. -1- MINUTES BOARD OF ~)JUSDMENT MEETING NOVFA~ER 21, 1966 Mr. Sarno stated, his reason for denying this request is that he would like to know what it is going to be used for, and have a little foresight as to what ~ are going to vote on. He stated he would like to know how many people are going to occupy the building~ and have the fire department and building department approve of it. Also, he would like to know what the hardship is, and whether or not the &' requested in the back is large enough for t0, 20 or 50 people to make an exit. Mr. Wehrell stated he felt this is too little space for this building in the rear. Mr. Swank stated he does not see the hardship. M~. Yates stated that if he puts the existing building on this property~ he needs more room. He has to have some variance to get this building on there. Mr. Davis stated that regardless of the use of the building, he could gain as much as t0' in the back by pulling the building to the front. He stated he would vote favorably on l0: but not ~'. Mr. Sarno again stated that the Board should know what a building is going to be used for before granting a variance, but he agreed to go along with the compromise of 10' P~. Same charged his motion to grant Mr. Christensen 10' set back from rear. Mr. Swank s~conded. It was unanimously carried. ~ETING AD JOURNED ~ Willi~ Yates, C~airman