FLORIDA, JULY 18, 1966 at 5:~5 P.M.
William Yates, Chairn~n
Albert We~hrell
Dave Swank
George Davis
Robert Hueston
Harold Blanchette, Bldg. Inspector
Alternat es:
Vince Early
Don Besecker
George Cummins
Chairman Tates called the meeting to order at 5:&5 P.M. It was noted that
the three new alternates would not have a vote since there were five
members present.
Mr. Davis ~ade a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the
last meeting. Mr. Wehrell seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Variance in rear set back requirements of E 50'
of N½ of Lot 52 r~ subdivision of Lot 3,
Laneharts ' Subdivision
Address: 11.~7 N.~. t3th Avenue
Owner & Applicant: John J. Brown
There was 'no one in the audience to speak in opposition to this request.
Mr. John Brown came forward to speak in favor of the request and stated
that he wanted to construct a utility room in the back of his house. The
building will be approximately 10' wide and ll' long. He stated he has
13' in the back of his house to the Flood Control line, the utility room
will require 10' of this which will leave him3' from the back of the
addition to the canal right-of-way line.
¥~. Davis asked if any drawings were submitted with the application, and
it was also noted that a survey is needed on this property. Mr. Brown
stated he had no drawings.
Mr. Wehrellmoved to grant this request in view of this location.
Hueston seconded° A discussion followed and Mr. ~$ehrell noted that this
will be no detriment to the City or to ths neighbors. Also the Flood
Control District does not object to the pl~uting of trees or using this
right-of-way if it is not built on. The motion w~s unanimously carried.
J~ly 18, 1966
Mr. Ds~z~ moved to contact the city ms~nager to see that the Board gets
dra~wdngs on applications. If drawings are not sub~tted, the ~ard ~ll
refuse to hear the request. ~. Sw~k seconded and it w~ ~uously
c art ie d.
Mr. Weh~ll asked if any date had been set for the ~struction course the
city is to arrange for. Mr. Yates said he had no more ~formation on this.
M~~. Haesvon asked that the t~e for the meet~gs be set back to 5:30 P.M.
Mm. Hueston moved for adjour~ent. Mr. Wehrell seconded and it was unani-
mously carried.