Minutes 07-05-66MIh~TES OF BOAP~D CF ADJUSTMENT I~ETING k~LD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORtDA~ .YJLY 5~ 1966 at 5:~5 P.M. PRESENT: ~?i!iiam Yates. Chairman Robert Hueston Dss'id Swank George Day, is Albert Wehreli Harold Bianchette.~ Bldg. Inspector ABSENT~ Jay Sarno Alternate sitting in his absence: Hr. Dresser Chairman Yates called the meeting to order at 5:~5 P.M. PUBLIC' HEARING Variance in rear set back requirements of !,ct 23, Dewey Heights, as recorded in Palm Beach Co'runty Record% Plat Book !~ Page 57° Address: 2~!.~8 S,E<. ]st Court Applicant & O~mer: Peggy Hanshtmuaker Mr. M. H. Kilby of !6~ East Mill St.~ Lantana~ spoke for Mrs. Hanshumaker. He explained that this was a corner lot, odd shaped with only 52' facing the one street. He stated that alA set back reqz~irements will be met~ but that a variance from the required 25? set back to 15' was being re- quested as the 25' re~ired would cause a l~rdship in the tsyout of the building in that the bedrooms would be on the west side of the house whereas proper orientation would be that these be on the east side. The shape of the lot limits the proper planning of the building. After consfi~erable discussion relative to the other residences located in the immediate area, Mr. Hueston moved that the variance be granted. Mr. Wehrell seconded and it was unanimously carried on the basis of hardship due to odd shape size of lot. ~. Wefm, elt moved to adjourn~ Mr. Hueston seconded and it was unanimously carried. C ha irman l~j