Minutes 06-06-66~INUTES OF BOARD OF ADJUSTk~ENT MEETING, HELD IN CITY HALL, _B..OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA,. JUNE 6~, ~1966 at 5:30 P.Mo -~_ PRESENT: William Yates Geo~§e Cummins Jay Sarno Dave Swank Robert Hueston George Davis Chairman Yates called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Sarno moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Hueston seconded and it was unani- mously carried° ~r. Yates disqualified himself as chairman because of possible interest in this matter, and Mr. Swank took charge of the meeting. Ihe request is for an 18'/set back in the rear of the follow- ing described property to conform with an existing building: Prt. of Lots 45-46-47, Beg. at Pt. in W. line U.S. #1 R~ on S.E, corn. Harouf prop.; the S 200', W 300', N 200', 5 300' to P.O.Bo (Hillman) Sec. 33-45-43 as recorded in Palm Beach County Records Address: 2703 S, Federal Highway Owner & Applicants: Norman F. and Loraine N. Strn;E ~lr. Strnad came forwaxd and explained tha+~ the existing buildings are in such a position that if he constructs these buildings the way they should be according %o the code, that it will come in front of the existing building plus losing space in the back. Ihe space could be used for parking in the front, but could not be used in the rear. ~r. Strnad explained that he laid out his plans the way he wanted them and when he came to get a permit he was told that he would have to request this variance. ~r. Strnad stated he had spoken to the people abutting his property and that they expressed no objection. The~e were no objectors in the audience, and no lette=s of ob3ection. -1- MINUTES BOARD OF ADJOSIBENT g~EETiNG JbFNE 6, 1966 M.r. Davis stated that this would put Mr. Strnad's building within 2' of the commercial property in back of him. Mr. Cummins made a motion that.the request be g~an.ted. Mr. Sarno seconded. A discussion ~ollowed and M~. Davzs stated that the Boar. d has to consider hardships. He did not think this was a hardship case, that Mr. Strnad has personal rea- sons why he wants to build it like this and that there is space to build in co.~fo:cmity with the code. He stated that it is regrettable that the existing units are as they are, but this pEoblem comes up again and again. The vote was 2 FOR the motion and 3 AGAINST. Mr. Hueston stated that he did not feel this wa s~ hard ship case and that possibly ~r. Strnad could swing the building around to get an 8' clearance in the back. Mr. Davis explained that this is the law to have a 20' set- back and that there has to be a reasonable hardship to change that. He stated that ~r. Strnad~has the property there and can work it out and thinks tha~ould be sorry himself in the future if this were built with only a 2' set-back. Mr. Swank stated tha't he sees a creation of a fire hazard witk with just a very minimum of clearance and stated that ~=. Strnad's fire insurance would probably be debited because of that very definite exposure. It was suggested that Mr. Strnad re-apply 'for an 8' or i0' set-back. Meeting adjourned. Vice -Chairman -2- Boynton Beach, Florida _ june 24, 1966 Mrs. Teresa Padgett City Clerk Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mrs. Padgett: This is to certify that a special meeting.of the Boynton Beach Board of Adjustments was conducted by telephone Friday, June l?, 1986 for the purpose of considering an appeal from the negative decision rendered at the 'last regular board meeting, Juue 6, '1966 on the application of Norman F. Strnad. Upmon the applicant's agreeing to a set back from th~ rear lot line of eight(8) feet, instead of a minimU~ approved by a vote of four in favor, with the acting chairman ab s ta inlng. Juotmento