Minutes 05-02-66Minute~ of Board of Adjustment Meeting, ~held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, May 2, 1966 at 5:30 P,M~ PRESENT William Yates, Chairman Jay Sarno Robert Hueston, Alt. George Cummins, Alt. ABSENT Albert Wehrelt George Davis Dave Swank Chairman Yates called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting. seconded and it was unanimously carried. Mr. Sarno Mr. Hueston PUBLIC HEARING Request for variance in square footage requirement on the following described property: Lots 12, 13, ld & 15, Block 1, in the Bowers Park Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book tl, Page 57, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 211 S. E. 3rd Ave. & 316 S. E. 1st St. Owner: Ward Cummings Mr. Ward Cummings came forward and explained that he plans to build a rental unit on the property with 13 units. In so doing, he would have to build some units on the second floor over carportes. He is re- questing a 750 sq. ft. variance so that he can increase his first floor apartments. He stated this would make a more attractive building because hewould not have to build second story apartments over the carportes, and also it would be more economical. Mr. Yates read letters of objection to this request from Mr. Robert Pulver and PK. John T. King. Mr. James Valkenaar, 207 S. E. &th St,, came forward and asked more about the building and what it would look like. Mr. Cummuings explained that it is a rental apartment similar to the one at 1st and Ocean and that he is not asking for a zoning change just a 750 sq. ft. variance to increase .the first floor apartments. MINUTES Board of Adjustment Meeting May 2, 1966 Mr. Hueston noted that these apartments could be built if this request is granted or not, but if he gets the variance he would have a nicer loo~g building. Mr. Cummins made a motion to grant this variance. Mr. Hueston seconded. Mr. Yates explained that the Board could not prohibit these apartments being built and that this variance will make it a more attractive build- ing. Motion was unanimously carried. Request for variance in set-back requirement on the following described property: Lot 6 less E 5', Block ! in the Shepard-Funk Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 15, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 126 N. E. 3rd Avenue Owner: Homer and Shirley Adams Mr. Adams came forward and explained that his lot size is &4' x 120' and that when his house was built the builder did not put the house square on the lot. He has a 6' set-back on the back of lot but as it comes forward he only has 3' on the side. Mr. Adams is requesting a'3' set-back on the side for a standard size carporte. He had a letter from Lillian & Homer Voehm, 122 N. E. 3rd Ave., adjacent property owners, stating that they are in agreement with this request. There were no objectors in the audience. ~. Huestonmade a motion that this reqUest be granted. Mr. Sarno seconded and it was unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M. ~rilliam Yates, C~aIrma~J -2-