Minutes 03-24-66Minutes of Board of Adjustment Meeting, held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, March 24' 1966 at 5:30 P.M. PRESENT William Yates, Chairman Robert Hueston Albert Wehrell George Cummins ABSENT: Jay Sarno George Davis Dave Swank Chairman Yates called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Yates explained that Mr. George Davis and Mr. Dave Swank had disqualified themselves because of possible interest in the case. Mr. ~JJehrellmade a motion to dispense ~th the reading of 'the minutes of the previous meeting and to accept sams as submitted. Mr. Hueston seconded and it was unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING Variance in width requirement of Lot i and E 20' of Lot 2, Block ll, Bowers Park Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book ll, Page 57, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 1~5 S.E. Fifth Avenue Owner & Applicant: Dennis Dale Dilcher Mr. Dilcher came forward and presented plans to the Board for a two- story apartment building. Mr. Dilcher explained that the other requirements are met; that is, set backs, the zoning is right and he has the required square footage, but he needs 75' in width and he has only 70'. Mr. Dilcher explained that a number of buildings could be built on this lot but he designed apartments rather than some of the other things that could be used in this R-2 zoned area. Neo Wehrell noted that in general, the complexion of the area is distinctly one-family residences. It was also noted that some months ago, the Board turned down a similar request. Mr. Dilcher presented the Board with a form letter from sixteen property owners in the immediate area stating that they do not object to this building. -1- MINUTES Board of Adjustment MeetinE March 2~, 1966 Mr. Yates read a letter objecting to the variance from Norman and Beatrice Wyman. Mr. Dilcher said he had talked to Mr. Wyman since he had written the letter and explained the application more fully to him and he then stated that he did not object. Mrs. W. B. Moran came forward to speak in opposition. She stated that she represents her sister-in-law, Edith, who owns property in the immediate area and who lives in Chicago. Mrs. Moran said that she thought the requirement of 75' was set for a good reason and that it should remain that way. She noted that the Board had turned down a similar application recently and that they should do the same with this application. Mrs. Tho~s Gladwish came forward and stated she thought it would ruin the view of the neighborhood. She stated they try to keep their homes looking nice and it is a neighborhoodof one-family residences and that she does not 1Lke the two-story building. Mr~ Claire Groff, came forward and stated he objected for several reasons, l) Because ¥~. Dilcher wants to build apartments in a neighborhood that is mostly one-family residences, and 2) he stated that a standard was set and feels the Board should adhere to that standard. It was explained by members of the Board that the area is zoned which permits multiple dwellings and it was just the fact that Mr. Dilcher needs an additional 5' in width to go ahead with this.~ Mr. Gus Hart came forward and spoke in opposition. He stated that he owned the same size lot that Mr. Dilcher does and that ifhe was granted the variance, it would be setting a precedent and more apartments could go up in this area that is mostly one-family residences now. Mr. Huestonmade a motion that the petition be denied. Mr. Wehrell seconded. Mr. Wehrell explained that the requirement is 75' and this lot is only 70'. Also, that this building will change the general character of the neighborhood that is basically a one-family type neighborhood. He also stated that a s~milar application was turned down recently. Mr. Hueston explained that this Board is here to serve on cases where there are obstacles that cannot be overcome and hardship cases, and that he does not feel this is a case of hardship. Motion carried unanimously &-O. -2- MINUTES Board oS Adjustment March 24, 1966 Mr. Yates explained also that his feeling on this matter was that it would change the character of the neighborhood and that there is no hardship involved. NEW BUSINESS After a discussion by the Board members, M~. Huestonmade a motion that the meeting night of the Board be changed to Monday and the time set at 5:30 P.M. Mr. ~Zehrell seconded and it was unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M. William Yates, Chai~ -