Minutes 10-01-651.~nutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting held in City Hall, Boymton Beach, Florida, October 1, 1965, at 5:00 PRESENT: ABSENT: George Davis William Yates Albert Wehrell, Alternate David Swank Jay Sarno M. L. Doughty Harold Blanchette, Building Inspector The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 5:05 P.M. Mr. Sarno moved to accept as submitted the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion seconded by Col. Wehrell and carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING Variance in rear setback of parcel described as W 22' of Lot 6 and the E 42' of Lot 7, Block 1, Bowers Park, as recorded in Plat Book 11, page 57, Palm Beach County records. Address: 220 S. E. 2nd Avenue Owner: John T. King Mr. King told the board he wished to build a small shed at the back of his property and to put it closer to the rear lot line than the code allows. According to present restrictions it would have to be situated at least twenty feet from the rear lot line and Mr. King felt that would place it too close to his house. It would be a permanent concrete block structure with cement floor. There were no objectors present in the audience. Discussion followed and Mr. King told the board his property is 125 feet deep and there is approximately 70 feet from the back of the house to the rear lot line. Mr. King wishes to place the shed about 7 or 8 feet from the line. Mr. Davis asked for the building inspector's opinion on .temporary utility structures. ~. Blanchette stated that they are subject to the same restrictions as permanent structures. Col. Wehrell moved that the application be denied. He said there appeared to be plenty of room on the property and could see no reason why Mr. King could not stay within the law. Seconded by Mr. Sarno. Iiotion Carried with t~. Yates abstaining. Mr. Davis pointed outl~that the applicant must show real hardship before the board can take ~orge DaVis, Chairman