Minutes 09-17-65Minutes of Bosr8 o~.~justment Meeting held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, September 17, 1965, at 5:00 P.M. PRESENT: William Yates Jay Sarno Davi~ Swank Albert Wehrell, Alternate Robert Hueston, Alternate Harold Blanchette, Building Inspector George Davis M. L. Doughty Mr. Yates called the meeting to order a t 5:05 P.M. A motion was made by Mr. Hueston to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion seconded by Col. Wehrell and carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING on the fo_!owlng application was called Variance from setback requirements along East property line. Lots 62-67 inclusive less W 64.49', Lakeside Gardens, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 2614 North Federal Highway Owner: Jack W. Law Mr. Law stated that he would like a variance on the setback of his property as it was useless to him under existing con~ ditions;it will only take a thirteen foot wide building. He said he cannot build on it or sell it. He wants as much variance from the rear lot line as possible. Mr. Louis Mirisota, owner of adjacent lots, spoke in favor of the granting of the variance. He said it is impossible to do anything with the lots. All you can do he said is pay the taxes on them and with no hope of selling them. This is highway property zone8 commercial, but it just cannot be used. Mr. Floyd E. Christenson, West Palm Beach contractor, also spoke for the granting of the variance. He stated that ie it were granted, he would buy the.property from Mr. Law, clear it and eventually build on lt. He said it would be suitable for a barber shop or hardware store if he could build to the lot line in the back and still maintain the 25-foot front setback. Mrs. Sislene Dean spoke in favor of Mr. Law's request. She felt that he really needed it in order to make use of his property. Minutes of Board of Adjustment Meeting September 17, 1965 Mrs. Jean Henderson, 615 Potter Road spoke against grsnting of the variance. She owns the property right behind the lots in question and those of Mr. h!rlsola. She pointed out the closeness of her home to the property line. Discussion: Col~ Wehrell mentioned here the fact that only a 13-foot building could be built on the Law 'property under e~isting requirements. Mr. Law stated that although the City valued the property at $12~©©O, he had been unable to sell it for $8,000 because of the restrictions on it. Mr. Sarno said that he felt a definite hardship existed here and that we were limiting the highway structures to two by fours. The Board adjourned to anteroom for further deliberation. Upon returning Mr. Sarno moved that the variance be granted. Seconded by David Swank. Motion carried unanimosuly. The members mentioned that because the property was zoned com- mercial to a depth of 300 feet, the granting of the variance would not depreciate the Henderson property. Mr. Yates noted that Lots 62 and 63 were not affected and said that the variance is granted for lots 64 through 67 all the way to the rear lot line. PUBLIC HEARING called on the following application: Variance in setback requirements along rear lot line and also a variance in lot width require- ment on Lots 18 and 19, Block l, Frank Webber Addition as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 3, Palm Beach County records. Own x.: Sislene Dean Address: 119-125 N. W. loth Avenue Mrs. Dean said she wants a ten-foot setback from rear line as she wants to build a duplex on the property which is zoned R-2A. Also requires a width requirement reduction to 50 feet. There would still be approximately 28 feet between the two duplexes~ Mr. Sarno moved that~the requested variances be granted. Seconded by Col. Wehrell. Motion unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M. '-~iSliam Y~teS; Ae~%hg h~irman