5:00 p. m.
George Davis, Chairman
William Yates, Vice Chairman
David Swank
Jay Sarno
Albert Wehrell, Alternate
Robert Hueston, Alternate
Harold Blanchette
Building Inspector
M. L. Doughty
Mrs. Dorothy Jones, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 5:15 p.m. Motion
was made and seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be
accepted as written; carried unanimously.
There being no old business, the board proceeded to the matter of new
business; namely, an~application from Food Fair Stores, Inc. for a
variance from the zoning code in regard to a ten-foot rear setback
along the east property line.
Location: lot 41, less N 100', W 150' and S 45' of Dewey's
Address: 100-108 North Federal Highway
Mr. Weiss was invited to speak for the variance. He stated that the
Food Fair Corp. had bought the property and wanted the store to be a
credit to the city of Boynton Beach as well as the Food Fair but that
they had to have a little more leeway than the setback requirement.
He called on Mr. Hayes to explain the problem more fully.
Mr. Hayes showed a sketch relocating the loading platform so that no
service area would be needed on Sixth Street and parking in front
would be adequate to comply with the city ordinance.
~. Davis called for whoever wanted to speak in favor of the variance.
Mrs. Ann Barrett declared in its favor.
Mr. Benton, counsel for Coral Ridge Properties, was recognized by the
chair. He voiced his preference for the new plan, but felt the back
of the store would be unsightly and reduce the value of the Coral
Ridge properties facing it. He stated there would' be no objection to
the variance if a decorative wall were built where the property faced
Coral Ridge properties at the truck entrance.
Mr. Davis called on Mr. Robert Griffith to address the board. The
latter stated his ob3ection to the variance. He felt the city should
not lower its co4~ to procure this store since the Food Fair company
could buy more land or delete the rental store in order to comply
with our requirements.
There being no one else who wished to speak, Mr. Ya%es made a motion
that the variance be granted, secanded by Col. Wehrell. After dis-
cussion a vote of 3-2 in favor of the variance was taken. Since
this board requires a 4-1 vote for any action to be taken, this vote
was, in effect, a denial of the request.
There being no further business, the meeting ~s ad3ourned at 6:00 p.m,
j George~-' .... ~av£s, Chairman