Minutes 07-30-65Hinutes of Board of Adjustm~ent, held in City Hall, Boynton Beach., Florida, July 30, 1965, at 5:00 p.m. Absent: George Davis, Chairman William Yarns, Vice Chairman Robert Huesten Dav/d Swank Albert ~ehre11, Alternate Jay Sarno and H. L. Doughty Hr. Davis called the meeting to order with approximately t~,elve people in the audience.. The reading of the minutes of the last regular meetingwas passed by a unaaimous vote of the Board. Public Hearing was called on the following application: Variance [rom I0~ right e[ way setback requirement to pemit construclion on building line abutting 6th tCreet and reduction of off-street parkin§ requirements, Lots 41, Dewey,s Subdivision, less the N 100~ thereof, and less ~he W 150, thereof and less the Easterly 25~ and the Southerly 45~ for road ri§hr of way AND the N 100~ of Lot 4I of Dewey,s Subdivision less the Easterly 25~ and less ~e ~esterly 50! for road right of way, ail as recorded in Pint Book 1, page 3?, Palm Beach Courtly Records. Address: 100 - 108 Norlh Federal Highway Owner: Beachton Corp., Harry R. Geller, President It was explained ~hac Cwo variances were being sought. First, the applicant was asking to be allowed :o construct the proposed building on ~he property on the si~e abultin§ 6th Street. The variance requested in this instance was the ten foot right of way setback. Second, the applicant was applying for a reduction ia the number of off-street parkin§ spaces required by the code. Hr. Sherman ~eiss, attorney representing Beachton Corporation, owner of lhe property and Hr. S. Kansman, Engineer for Food Fair Stores, spoke Co ~he Board concer~ing the project which was being proposed for the property and for which the variances were necessary. They said that ~he project would add ~150,000 to ~250,000 co the tax roll, ChaC if the variances were approved that Choy would proceed with dispatch, that they intended to erect a building to house a Food Fair which would be 137' on the ~ront and 146~ deep, with a 12' sidewalk i~ front with an overhang; t4,000 square feel would be sales area and 6,000 square feel storage space. Hr. Kansman produced a sketch which showed the food store and another building, fie exact measurements of which were hOC since ao prospective tenant was lined up. Hr. Kansman stated thaC ~hey could end up with 5,000 s.qua~e feec sales area in the proposed rental unit. If this amount was built, there would be room fo~ 115 parking spaces over all. Discussion was held retarding proposed plans and the number of parkini spaces required in the present ordinance and the number tombe required in an ordinance passed on first reading by the City Oouncil at fie Iasc regular moetin§. -1- [~inut es July 30, i96~ The Chairman s2ated ~ha~ ~ri~ten objections had been received from Coral Ridge Proper~ies, osraers of parts of Lots .39 and 42, Dewey Subdivision; ~ ~[i~ o~er off ~s 102, 103 and 91 and 9O, .La~s Subdt~sion. A le~er approvin~ ~he variances ~as received from Vista ~., E 2~ of ~he S 6~ of ~ 11, S 65~ of ~s 12 and 14.~ Ci~y,~s. ~n Barrett spoke in favor of. ~he variance as a property ~er Walter Dutch, owner of abutting property, said that after hearing the proposal he had no objection to ~he variances being granted. The chairman called for objectors present, who wished to present their objections in person, Herbert Benton, Attorney for Coral Ridge Properties, stated that his client felt that t/~e variances would depress the value of ~heir property and they strongly objected. ~r. Harry Geller, President of Beachton Corp., said ~ha~ his company was sacrificing in order to get this corner developed. Hr. Robert Griffith urged the Board ~o Cake cognizance of the law that was on the books and deny thevariances. Hr, Gene l~oore, stating that he was not appearing in ~he capacity of City Attorney but in his own interest, objected to the variances and said that the law on the books would be the binding law. Building Inspector, Harold Blanchette, was questioned about the proposed changes co zoning ordinance now being considered by Council. Hr. Swank moved that ~he variances be granted. The motion died for lack of a second. The Chai'rmanmade a motion that the application be denied as no hardship had been shown. Hr. Wehrell seconded. Motion carried 4-1, Hr. Swank dissenting. , Chairman -2,,