Minutes 05-17-65 ar.~ ~ City Minutes of Meeting of Bo ~ of Adjustment ~.e!d in Boynton Beach, Florida, May l?~ 1965~ at 5~00 p.m~ Present~ ~eorge Davis~ ChairmaD William Yates~ Vice-Chairman Jay Sarno David Swank M. L. Doughty Robam£ I~eston (Alternate) ~osent~ ~aarold Blanchette, Building Department Cot~ ~ehre!t (Alternate) Public hearing was called on the following application~' Legal: Address~ Cwner~ Request~ Lot !, Block 6~ Mission Hill, 620 Mission Hill ~'Road ~obert L. Schuerer Variance in rear setback requirement It was noted for the record that the public hearing was held on ~ay 14th at 5:00 p.m. as advertised and that no objections were registered to the requested variance~ Action on the request was postponed to this date as Mr. Davis found it necessary to disqualify himself from voting on this application as he had a personal interest in it~ and without him there was not a quorum present~ l~r~ Davis opened the meeting and turned the cnazrmansn~p over to Vice Chairman Yates. ~fr. Schuerer appeared before the Board and explained, that his request was for a ten-foot variance in the rear setback. ~ue lot had a deed restriction of D~ feet in the front and the City re- quired 25 feet in the rear~ which did not leave enoughl~]~property on ~aich to build a satisfactory residence. He stated that the request was for ten feet~ ho~ever~ the clans as they were drawn would only require a six foot variance. ~¥~r. ~arno moved ti~at ~.~r. ~chuerer be a owed ~h~ requested ~en-z~oo~ variance on Lot i~ Block 6~ I~issi~n,!{i!t. k~r~ Doughty s~con~ed i~o~ion carried unanimously.