Minutes 04-30-65~inutes Of Board '~f~ ~'~ ~eeting, held in City~
Boynton Beach, Florida, April 30, 1965, at 5:00 p.m.
George Davis, Chairman
Jay Sarno
David Swank
~.~ L~ Doughty
Bobert Hueston
Harold Blanohette~
Building Department
Absent: Albert Wehrell
William Yates
Public Hearing on the following application was called:
Variance in rear setback on Lot 7, Block 4,
Mission Hill, as recorded in Plat Book~ 24,
page 178,P$1m Be~ch County Records.
Address: 405 Chapel Hill Boulevard
Owner: George and GraCe Roberts
~r. DaVis requested that the record sho~ that he would disqualify
himself from voting on the issue, as he had a personal interest
in the application, however, he would conduct the meeting.
~r. Roberts, the applicant, was present and e~pl~ined to the
Board that he desired to build a house on the lot but that the
deed setback requirement of thirty-five feet on the front and
the rear setback requirement of twenty-five feet worked a hard-
ship on erecting a desirable residence on the lot* He was asking
for a ten-foot variance on the rear, so ~hat he could build
within fifteen feet of the rear line.
~ner~ were no objections received by the Board. The
Chairman requested that the record show that twenty-six separate
property owners had been notified of the requested variance.
~r~ 8arno moved that the request for a ten-foot variance on
the rear of Lot 7, Block 4, ~ission Hill, be granted~ Mr. Doughty
seconded. ~otion carried 4-0~' ~r. Davis abstained.
Me~ting ~djourned at 5:30
George , Chairman