Minutes 03-19-65Minutes of Meeting of Board of Adjustment, held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, March 19, 1965~ at 5:00 Presents George Davis, Chairman William Yates, Vice-Chairman M~ L. Doughty, Secy. David Swank Jay Sarno Col. Wehrell, Alternate Robert Huested, Alternate Mr~ Davis called the meeting to order. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with by a unanimous vote of the Board. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearing on the following application was called: Variance in side setback Lot 22~ Block 2, Boynton Place as recorded in PLat Book ll, Page 40, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 612 N. E. 7th Ave. O~er: A.F. & Jean Cottrill Mrs Co~orm_t appeared before the Board and explained that they wanted to add an additional room on the house and at the same time a carport, which would bring the building up to within one foot of the line on the~st sideof the house~ There were no objections received by the Board to this variance. It was brought out that the property in question was located just east of the A&W Root Beer Drive-in Restaurant on the North Federal Highway and the variance would apply to that side of the Cottrill property which bordered on a twenty-foot deadend alley which ran between the Cottrill property and the A&W. Mr. Swank moved that the request for variance of setback~on Lot 22, Block 2, Boynton Place, be granted due to the fact of the existence of the twenty-foot dead- end alley and the adjoining business property on the west. Mr. Sarno seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Pubii__9~ Hearin~ on the following application was called: Variance in lot square footage requirement Lot !t, Block 2, Happy Home Hts., as recorded in Plat Book ll, Page 30, Palm Beach County Records~ Address: 306 N. E. i3th Ave. O~er: Philip T. & Lois Haire -1- Mr. Haire appeared before the Board and explained that he was interested in building a duplex on the property and would like a variance in the square footage requirement for a duplex. Ail other requirements would be met as to setbacks. It was pointed out that a minimum of 7500 square feet lot size is required for the construc- tion of a duplex ar_d since this lot was only 42x95, a variance would have to be granted to build a single family residence on it. Mr. Haire submitted a drawing of the duplex he intended building to the Board. Mr' Davis read into the record a communication from the St. John's Baptist Church, Boym~ton Beach, which expressed opposition to the requested variance° There were no other objections received either in writing or by Voice. It was noted that on a previous occasion Mr~ Haire had asked for a variance on Lot size on this lot in order to build three one-bedroom apartments. Public hearing on the application was held on December ll, 1964, and the application had been denied. Mr~ Sarno moved that the variance be granted due to the under' size of the lots in that vicinity for the express purpose of the construction of a duplex as the presented plans showed~ Mr. Yates seconded the motion. Motion carried ~uuanimousiy. Variance in Hei ht of Fence ~ Las Palmas Park Subdivision A petition bearing twelve signatures requesting permission to erect a six foot fence along the south line of Las Palmas Park sub- div~vision was presented to the Board. Mr. Bennett, one of the petitioners, spoke to the Board regarding the request, stating that the residences ~elonging to the oetitioners back, ed up to the newly constructed marina and it was the feeling of the petitioners that their privacy had been taken and it would be to their advs~ntage to erect a six foot block wall at their expense for the protection of their children s/nd property. They were asking for a variance of two feet, s.ince "they could construct a four-foot wall without coming before the Board. Mr. Swank moved that the request for a two-foot variance in the height of the wall be granted with the ~mderstanding that the wall would only extend to the last platted lot on the east and the pe2itioners would submit details in the form of a plan of the wall to the Building Department. Mr. Yates seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Following the public hearings~ a short organizational meeting was held in which the following officers were elected to serve for the coming year: George David, Chairman, Wi] Yates~ Vice-Chairman, and M. L. Doughty, Secretary.