Minutes 12-11-64MinUtes of Meeting of Adjustment Board, held in City Hall~ Boo, ton Beach, Florida, December ll, 1964 at 5:00 P. Me ~illiam YateS, Vice ~airman M. L. Doughty, Secretary David Swank Jay Same Albert Wehrell (Alternate) Vice Chairman Yates called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. He asked that the record shew that Albert Wehrell, alternate member, was sitting in for George Davis who comld not be present for this meeting. P~UBLiC HEARING- Public hearing on the following request for adjustment was called: Variance on square footage reqmirement ef Lot 11, Block 2, Happy Home Heights, as recorded in Plat Book ll, page' 30, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 306 N. E. l~th Avenue Requested by: Philip T. Haire The applicant, Philip T. Haire and Albert DiVagno, building con- tractor, spoke in favor ef the application. Mr. Haireexplained te the Board that the request for variance was for minimum square footage requirement, since the lot on which he wanted to build three oDz~-bedroem apartments was only ~2:x~' it would not meet the minimum ef ?~0 square feet. It was pointed out that the size of the lot made it necessary for au adjustment for any type of structure to be erected, since there was not 800~ square feet. Set back requirements would be met. Parking area and surrounding structures were discussed. D~uglas Davis of 301 N. Eo 13th Avenue strongly objected to the requested variance. He stated that he was the owner of a single family residence ~ud he objected because there was not enough room. He said he did~'t want the area any more congested than it was already; that they were trying to eliminate this congestion in the future. ~innie Lee King of ~20 No Eo 13th Avenue ~ud Abner Faison of 302 N. E. 13th Avenue also ~oJected to the variance for the same reasons given by ~ro Davis. Mr. Doughty moved that the request be denied without prejudice. Col. Nehrell seconded. AE~ES: ~ro Doughty ~ud Col. Wehrell; NAYES: Messerso Yates, Swank and Same. Motion denied. Mr. Yates explained to Mr. Haire that since it was necessary for a four-fifths majority of the members of the Board to be in favor of an Ustment his application was denied. Meet~ng~ adjourned at 5:45 p.m.