Minutes 11-06-64MinUtes ef Meeting of Adjustment Board held in City Hall, Bo.Triton Beach, Florida, November 6, 196~ at §:00 PoN. Pre sent George Davis, Chairman Col. Wehrell Jay Safco Bill Yates Mo Lo Doughty F. T. Katn, City Manager Harold~Blanchette. Building Inspector. The chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and announced that Col. Wehrell, alternate, was sitting in-for David Swank. Public Hearing was called for the following application: Variance of front and rear setback lines ~nd square footage requirement, Lot 1, Block 8, Happy Home Heights, as recorded in Plat Book ll, Page $0, Palm Beach County Records.. Address: 1219 N. E. 2nd Street Requested by Johnny Lee JeD~son The applicant was present and told the Board that she wanted to erect a home on a foundation that had been layed~10 years ago. The size of the lot was ~Stxg0t; the house would have 685 square feet. Mrs. Susan Wade who owned a house abutting the property was pre- sent and said that she did not object as long ~s it didn't effect her. No ether objectors were present. The plot plan that was presented to the Board with the applica- tion was i~correct on the setback from the street and on t~ sides. No one present could, with authority, say exactly how many feet variance would be necessary on the front, rear and sides in order ~o use the existing footer. After considerable discussion, Mr. Doughty moved that the appli- cant be allowed to resubmit the case with a properly prepared~ot plan, reliably showing the building location and existing setbacks at nc extra cost or prejudice to the applicant. Col. Wehrell seconded the motion which carried unanimously~ The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.