Minutes 09-11-64Y~u~tes of Neetlng cf Board of Adjustment, held in City Hall, Boy, ton Beach, Florida, September Il, 19~t, at §:00 p.m. Absent: George Davis, Chairman $¥illiam ~ Yates Jay Sarmo John Thomas (Alternate) Col, Wehrell (Alternate) E. L. Doughty David Swank The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to note the absence of Mr. Doughty and Mr. Swank. Serving in their place was, ~r. Thomas and Colo ~ehrell, alte~ate members of the Board. Pmb!~c~Hearing en the following application was called: Variance of side amd rear setback lines, Lot 24, Block 2, Happy Home Heights, as recorded in Plat Book ll, page 37_, Palm Beach Comnty Records. Address: 1301 ~. E. 3rd Street Requested by: Eddie Jefferson N~. Jefferson was present in person a~d told the Board that he wauted to build a duplex on Lot 2~ and as it was a corner lot he needed the additional room. He was asking for a rear setback of l~ feet from the ~equire~ 20 feet and a side~ setback ef l0 feet from the required 12~ feet. Mr. Jefferson said that he amd his toothed'in-law, Sisleen Dean, had already built t~aree d~uplexes and that she had been before the Board for variances on the .other th~eeo No objectors were present ~d non, had been received by mail~ Mr. l~aillip T. Haire, owner of Lets § an~ ~, Happy Home Heights, was present to voice objections, but withdrew any objections he had when he found that his property did not abut I~t ~, Block ~. After discussion Mr. Saree moved that the Board allow Mr. Jefferson to come within 10'~ of the eas~ lime of his property with the main wall of his duplex a~d that the front entrance roof mot be constructed to overhang more than 2~" and, further, that the block wall shown on the plan ~etweeu the two fro~t doors be completely eliminated. ~r. Tares seconded° ~otio~ carried The secretary was instructed to see that the building inspector received a copy of the minutes. -t- Minutes of Board of ~ljustment Boy, ten Beach, Fla. ~er_ 1~. ~196,~ . . . .. !c.. He,ring on the following application was called: Vartamce of both side and 2~8, Cherry Hills, as Page §8, Palm Beach County Records. Address: 844 N. ~. llth Avenue Requested by: Doyle V. Irwin N~. Irwin was present and told the Board that he had bought the lot and understood that the setback was. five feet. He had plaus drawn and had a mortgage commitment on the house, and that it was a mis- .take on his part, but would cost him considerable money if he could not build the 'house. He Said that he could eliminate one foot from the house without too much trouble, but that to reduce it by two feet would not be feasible. He 'was asking for a one foot variance on each side. Nr. Thomas A. Rushing was present as an objector, saying Rat he owned the tot to the east of this prOPerty and that he intended to build on it and would object to the variance as requested. Mr. Yates moved that the reque~st for variance of one foot on each side be granted. ~r. Same seconded. Motion denied by ~-B vote. Mr. Rushing was asked if he would have any objection to a variance on each side, as ~r. Irwin had said that he could cut the building by one feet. N~. Rushing said that in view of Mr. Irwin's ha~dship, six inches would be all right with him. Mr. Thomas moved that the Board g~ant Mr. Irwin a I feet variance, 6 inches on each side, that is, a side setback of ~'8" on both sides; Col. Nehreli seconded. ~otion carried The meeting adjourned at 6.*00 e~clock. -2-