Minutes 08-14-64Minutes of 'B~ard of Adjustment of the City of Boyntcn Bea. ch, held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, AugUst lA, t96~, §.00 P.M. Pre sen~ t ~ Ab sent_: George Davis, Chairman Wi lliam ~ Yate s David Swank John Thomas (AlternateI Col. Wehrell (Alternate M. L. ~Doughty Jay Same Dirck Groote~boer, Director of Planning & 'Inspections F. To Kain, City~anager ~r. Davis called the meetLug tc order at 5:05 p.m. with the above noted members present. In the audience were the two appli- cants, '$illi~ Kuster and Forest R. E~ngee. Mr. Thomas moved that the Board dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Col. Wehrell seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Pub_l.._i~ Hearing .,. Lot 6...'.Harbor Estates; ~ppllcant-Etlliam...._Kuster Public hearing was called on the requested variance in rear setback on Lot 6, Harbor Estates, as recorded-in Plat Book 21, Page 98, Palm Beach County Records; address ~64 North Road. There were no objectors present and none had been received by mall. Mr. William Kuster was present and 'told the Board that he would like ~o build, a garage and would like to come to within 8 feet of the rear instead of the 25' required. It was brought out that ~_~ny existing buildings in the area were b~ilt closer to the r~a~ than 8~, The Board was very familiar with the conditions existing in~.Harbor Estates, as it had had many cases of a similar nature, wherein the deed restrictions and the City restrictions worked together to make a hardship for the owner of lots there. ~r. Thomas moved that the Board grant the variance to 8 feet of the rear line. Col. V~ehrell seconded. Motion carried public .He.aring-Lot 22.B!ock 5 .Lake Addition; Appl.icant-F.R. Han~ Eee ± Public hearing was Called on-a'request for approval of Change in non-conforming use, en the above property. Mr. Forest R. itangee was p~esent and explained to the Board that he wanted to enclose car stalls and convert the space to bedrooms with baths for rental pmrposes. Mr. Hangee contended that the alteration would improve the property as. the present stalls were used to store articles by renters. The present zor~ing was R-lA. -1- There were no objectors present. Two communications had been received on the application. One from Douglas Brayley,.636 No JE. 8th Avenue objecting to the change and the other f~om Bill Lynch, 617 N. E. 8th Avenue giving his approval to the request. The Board st~die~ the zoning ordinance as it applied te this case. The chairma~ and Col. ~ehrell contended that the ordinance's intent was not to expand a non-conforming use. ~r. Thomas and ~r. ~W~uk felt. that the ~anprovement in the property ~nd the man's hardship, based on less of revenue, was su£~icient to grant the req~e st. ~. Swank moved that the application of ~r. Hangee be approved and that he be allowed to change and improve the non-conforming mse. Nr. Thomas seconded. Notion denied. A~S: Nessers. Thomas and Swank; NAYES: ~essers. Davis, Tares and ~eh~ell. The meetLng was adjourned at approximately ~:4§~ p.m. ~orge