Minutes 07-24-64Minutes of the Board of Adjustment, held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, July 24, 196~, at 8:00 P.M. Presort. ~ George Davis, Chairmmn David Swank Jay Sarno John i~noma s Col. ~ehrell F. T. Kain, City Manager Ditek Grootenboer, Director of Planning & Inspection Gene Moore, City Attorney N~. Davis called the meeting to order and requested that the ~ecord reflect the absence of Mr. Doughty ~ud Mr. Yates, regular Board members, and the presence of Mr. Thomas and Col. Wehrell, alternate members s~ttin~ in the ~osence of the two regular members. Mr. Thomas moved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with. Nr.. Sarno seconded. ~tton carried. Publico_ He~_a..r$.nE _On variance request for Lot 4.6, Bio.ok.` %. Lake Public hea~ring was called ena request for variance in rear setback of swimming pool by A. P. BrLukman on Lot 46, Block 4, Lake Addition, 90V N. E. Vth Street, as published in the Boy, ton Beach Star July 9 and 16, 1964. Mr. Brinkman was present and explained to the Board that the reason fo~ building the pool on the rear instead of on the f~ont of the house was the necessity for the activity around the pool being removed from the bedrooms, as his wife required frequent naps during the day due to a recent illness. In discussion it was determined that two variances would be required in order for Mr. Brinkman to build the type of pool he desired: from the required 10' to 6' from the house to the pool and from the required 8' to 4' from the pool to the rear lot line. An interpretation of the meaning of the zoning ordinance was obtained from N~. ~oore and Mr. Grootenboer. No objections had been received in writing and no objectors were present. After general discussion Mr. Same moved that ~r. Brinkman be allowed to construct the pool six feet from the rear of the house to within four feet of the rear lot line. Col. Wehrell seconded the motion which passed unanimously. -I- NinUtes- Bal. of &djustment, July 24, 1964 (Cont'd.) OLD BUSI~_~ESS A report prepared by the University of~ Florida and forwarded to each Board member by the City N~mage~, setting forth the duties and powers of Boards of ~djustment, was brought up for discussion. It was the opinion of the Board that many of the cases that were forwarded to them for dete~mLuation were not in their juris- diction and should not come to them. For instance, it was pointed out by Col. Web, ell that cases which involved a ehauge in the use of property had been before the Board and the Board had allowed some of them, however, according, te the report the Adjustment Board should not get cases of this nature. Mr. Kain acknowledged to the Board that in his study of the situation the procedure by which cases are referred to the Board was at fault and should be altered in such a way that many of the cases would net come before the Board. He said that he and Mr. Moore were going to endeavor to come up with a routing chart Which would work to this end. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. O~orge Davis,. Chairman .......