Minutes 06-01-64B0!~iTON BE~OH, PLON!DA, JI~i~E t, 1964, ae 5.;00 P.t~. . PP0~SENT: George Davis, Chairm~U H. L. Dou~ty Jay Same Col. ~ehrell (Alternate) germ Tiuomas (Alternate) ~ne Chairman called the meeting to order ar~i asked that the record note the absence o~ Bill Tares who was out of town and David Swank who had disqualified himself as he carried insurance for one of the applicants. Jay Same was not present when the meeting opened but came in a short time later. ~Hearin,~ was called on the following applicatior:: Variance of side and r®aP setback lines, Lot ~, Harbor Estates, as recorded in Plat Book 81, Page 98, Palm Beach County Records. Address ~ ~60 ~orth Road Hequested by: Alvin L. Shepack ~Irs. Shepack was present, with her contractors~ l~r. Young mud ~r. walm~e explained to the ~oard that the Lot in question was !00~ wide and 80~ deep and that there were front de~d restrictions of 25~ and rear setback lines of 25' which left insufficient room_'Sop a b~_o enough house. He noted that many of the houses in the area with the ss~e set back lines had built nearer to the reap lines than the zoning code called, for indica- ting that variances had been granted due to similar hardship. There were no objectors present, and no correspondence had bee~ received relative to the application. ~ter discussion as to whether or not the Board would have jurisdiction as to the deed restrictions, }~o Thomas moved that the Board grant the request for a variance in the rear set back line to allow the owner to build within 6 feet of the. line and the east side to allow the o~mer to build within ~ feet, subject to the approval of the developer who would have to make a correc~ tire deed if deed restrictions were involved. Col. ~ehrell seconded. ~'~-~± Boar~ memi0ers present voted -1- Public He.~ on the following aoo!Ication was arm,.ncc in non-conforming uses to allow' addition of a Florida room to an existing duplex on Lot 169, ~ oc~r~ton Hills, as recorded in Plat Book Page $1, Palm Beach C oun~ Records. ,&ddress: 2iV :~ ¥[. Vth Court Requested by: Charles is. ~ad 0sa Kruge~ ~-es. Kruger was. _oresent smd told the Board that s_~,e~, just wanted to add a Florida room on to her side of a duplex and the reason that it had to come before the Board was the fact that her duplex was a no:a-conforming use which does not allow additions. She eo~piained tint she needed the extra room when she had company. ~o objectors were present. ~J~[r. Sar.uo moved tb~t the Board s®prove ~f~s. ~uger's request for variance in non-conforming use and allow her to add the Florida room. Mr. Doughty seconded. ~,:o~zon carried unanimousl~ ~[eetlng was adjourned at 5.'20 p.m. Secretary -2-