Minutes 05-08-64~'tinutesB°f the~ Board of ~ ~pm~._,~_~. ,us ~,a ~ ~l_eting~ held in City Hall Boynton each, Florida, ~,~ay 8, t96~ -'~'~, at 5:00 P.~. ' Pre sent i~[r. Yates c~_led~ the meeting to order. Present ~ the audience was ~r. George Davis and :ur if. oima Williams }~r ~ ' M- ' - · ~a~es explained that · ,r. Davis had excused himself f~om the Board because of personal interest in t~_eb case and tha~ t~r. Thomas would sit in his place, Col. l~ehretl, the other alternate member of"s~eh Board, was not pre- Public He-~ ~ - a~zn~ was called on the following a~pizcation:~ ' Request by Nolmu Willi~m~~ ~ for Gerald Staley ~ad Elizabeth A. Staley for variance on rear s~tback lines on Lot ~, Block ~, Mission Hill Address: Z020 Church H" ~ ,- ~1 Drive. ~r. Davis presented the case for the applicants. He stated that he had prepared~ol~s for a three bemroom,~ two bath house on ~he lot. it was a very nice house~ however, the setback requirements on the property was excessive, he felt~ the setback in front being ~8 feet and in the rear ~ feet. The request for a variance was for t~ee feet on the rear of the property. In other ~ rds~ the pl~us had be~n drawn projecting a s~tback of ~ feet on the rear of the property, instead of the required ~8 feet. i~r. Davis explained that the owners of this property were caught in a bind, by the deed restrictions ~5 feet on the front and the City ~equlrem~nt of ~5 feet on and t~t it was a definite hardshio on the o~er ~stao was trying to get the most out of the lot. After discussion by the Board members, ~gr. Sarno moved that the Board grs;nt the variance from a ~5 feet to a E~ feet rear setback. , r. Thomas seconded the motion° Ail Board members voted There being no tur.~her~ t business the meeting was adj ournem at 5:15 p.mo