Minutes 03-06-64Minutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting held in City Hal!~ Bo.ynton Beach~ Florida~ M~rch 6~ 196&.~ 5:00 P.M. Present: George Davis ~ Cnairm~u ~Iilli am Yates Dave Swank M. L. Doughty CoL ~ehrell, Alternate sitting in for Jay Sarno John Thomas~ Alternate~ present by not acting M~. Davis called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.~{. There were no objectors oresent. ~. Joe ~{oods was present representing ~rs. Josephine Ablen of Ablon Contruction Comps~ny. Parcel l: Varisnce on rear set back line Lots i thru 6 inc. H~TOP ViLLAGE. Variance on minimum lot size requirements, Lots 2 thru 6~ ~_nco HI!ff~TOP VILI~GE~ all according to the plat thereof on fi].e in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County~ Florida~ recorded in plat book 2L.., Page 70. Address: 112-218 N.Wo 10th Avenue. Bequested by: Ablon Construction Compauy~ The following variances were requested: Lot A~ 12~ rear set back Lot B, 15~ rear set back Lot C~ 19~ rear set back Col. ~W'ehrell made the motion to grant the above variances, seconded by _~. Doughty. Unanimously carried. The Board recommended that the offer made by l~fi~So Pauline Ablon to grant the City two parcels of land projecting southerly on Lots B & C and D & A, with appro~imately 15' x lO0~ area be accepted by the City to square off the rear property lines of subject lotso This would also square off the Cemetery property° I~r. Swa_.~k made the motion the meeting be adjourned~ seconded by }~r. Doughty.(5:~5) George DaVis~ Chairmau