Minutes 02-28-64MinUtes ef the Board of Adjustment Meeting held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, February 38, 196~, 5:00 p.m. Present: George Davis, Chairms~u t~iilliam Yates, Vice-Chairman Jay Same David Swank ~E. L. Doughty John Thomas, Alternate Col. Wehrell, Alternate lr~. George Davis, Chairman, cal~ d the meeting to order aud announced that since he had a personal interest inthe question ~p for consideration he would disqualify himself and appoint John Thomas his alternate° He, thereupon, turned the chair over to ~ir. Tares, Vice-Chairman and left the meeting. Public Hearing was called on the following described property: Lots ~2, 15, 14 and 15, Block 1 B0~ERS PARK. Address: 201-215 S. E. 5rd Ave. Applicant: Godfrey Youngren Request: Variance in minimum lot size area. N~. Edward Dully, 550 S. Vi. 2nd Avenue, representing Er. ¥oungren, gave the Board details concerning the request. He stated that the request was for a variance of 5,000 square feet on the lot area, to allow the owner to build 12 one-bedroom units on the ground floor, instead of l0 which was now possible without a variance. 'There were about twelve persons present in the audience. V~hen those objecting were asked to give there names, only one wanted to be recognized as an objector, Mrs. Lord, 210 S. E. 2nd Ave. ~Ir. Same moved that the Board allow the requested variauce of 5,000 square feet on the lot area. ~ir. Doughty seconded. ~otion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. L. Doughty,