Minutes 11-08-63~e Beard of Adjustment meeting was held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida November 8, 1963 Members present: George Davis, Chairmau M. L. Doughty, Secretary William Yates Jay Sarne~ Dave Swamk John Thomas (Alternate as an observer) Davis called the meeting te or~er at Mr. Weeds and ~. Miller, Contractors, represented Mrs. Baker. There were six property owners present with no objectlem, one letter of objection was submitte~o Parcel l: Lot 6, Block ~, ~ A~ ANDP~E~S ADDITION, according te the plat ~hereo~ on file in the office of the~ Clerk of the Circuit Corer% in amd for Palm Beach C~unty, Florida, recorded in plat book 5, page 8&~ Address: 320 N. E. llth Avenue Eequest for variance in front and rear set ~ack lines. Owner: ~rs. Hugh Baker F~o Yates made metion seconded by ~. Doughty te reject the req~aest in its present form as it violated the zoning code four times. (Size of apartments toe small, size of lot tee small for six apartments, not enough parking spaces, and set backs) Unanimously carried. Mr. Yates m~le motion to adjourn, seconded by Ymo Doughty. (5:~5 P.2~. ) George DaVis, Chairman M, L. Domghty, Secretary