Minutes 06-21-63The B~ar~ ef A~justment meeting was held in City Hall, Beynton Beach,Florida Jmme 24 i 9~3 ~ Eembers present: George Davis, Chai~u William _Ya%es Jay Sarme Dave Swank Col. Wehrell, Alternate sitting i~ for ~I. L. Demghty who is em vacation Mr. Davis called the meeting to order at 5:05 There w ere no objectors present. ~r. Swank made the suggestion that the 0hairman of the Boart recommend to the City that property owners within 20~' of the property im question sho~ld be officially notified of the hearing. Parcel 1: N75~ ef Lot 6 all ef Lots 7 & 8, N25· ef Lot ~, Lot 12 less N20~, DEIERL PARK ~mmrecorded subdivision ef the E3 acres ef W~ of~ Lot 8, Ac. See ~20/~5/~, ~ according t, the plat thereof on file im the~effice of the Clerk ef the Circuit Co~t im and for Palm Beach Commty, Florida, recorded in plat beck 25, page 235. A~dress 300 & 400 block of N~ 7th ~. ~ariamce: In rear set back l~ue. Owner, Raymond ~n~. Mr. Sarme made the motion that ~ecause of hardship the request for set back to 12~ he g ranted, seconded by ~r. Swank. ~animously grante~. Parcel 2: Lots 8, 9, !0 ~, PAPd~ER ESTA~ Subdivision, according te the plat thereof eh file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court im am~ for Palm Beach Cowry, Fterida, recorded in plat beck 1~, page 37. Address 1008 $. Federal Highway. Variance in set back lime. Owner, Harol~ Ceastamt. After discassie~ Mr. Co,start withdrew his petitieno ~. Sarmo ma~e motien the meeting be adjourned, seconded ~y ~. Yates. GeOrge Davis, chairma~ (~:o5) Merle L. Doughty, ~Secretary