Minutes 06-14-63~e Beard ef Adjustment meeting was held at City Hall, June L4, 1963 Eembers present: George Davis, Chairman William~Yates Jay~no Dave Swank Col. Weehr®I1 (Alternate) E. L. Doughty em vacation Meeting was opene~ at 5~05 P.¥~ by ~r. Davis A letter was read, from Mr. J. B. Henderson, to adopt Roberts Rules for Conduct of Meetings. Mr. Davis noted this hoard bas been following these rules amd will continue to do se. Parcel l: C. W. Copps Add~. Lots 30, 32, 34 & 36 according te plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuitl~.C~art im ~ud for Palm Beach County, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 56. Variance: te reduce the reqmired 250~ sq~ ft. per u~it t~ 22~ sq. ft. per unit lan~ use. Owner: J~mes Warbington. Ne objectors present. ~. Sarme ma~e the motion that because of adequateiand available without crowd- ing and because of ample size of the apartments and that a~ditiemal apartmemts would make~wer rental possible a~d still conform with the etcher rental units im the neighborhood, the request be granted. Seconded by Dave Swank,_ umanimous!y carried. Parcel 2: W29~ of Lot ~ & F~~ of Lot 5, Blk. 15, Bowers Park, according to the plat thereof en file im the office of~.. the ~lerk ef the Circuit Court in an~ for Palm Beach County, recorded in Plat Book ll, Page 57. Reo~est for variance. Owner: H~ward ~th. Ne. Objectors present. Er. C. A. Ostrem spoke in behalf ef Mr. Smith. Because of hardship Col. VJoehrell made the motion the request he g~anted. Seconded~.~by Mr. Yates. Carri~ unanimously, Er~ Sarno made motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Yates. (5:45)