Minutes 04-12-63BOAP~ OF ADJUSTMENT ~TING WA~ ~ tN CITY HALL BOYNTON BEACH, F~zORIDA APRIL 12, 1953 .... ~ ~ - .... Hembers present: G~rge Davis, Ohairmam M. Lo Demghty, Secretary William Yates (eXcused) Dave Swamk Gel. Wehrell, alternate ~e meeting was called to erder by ~. Davis at 5:05 P-~- Parcel 1: BO~T~HI ~, Let 130 and Semth 20 feet of Let 131, Bleck A, accordL~g to the plat~thereef em file in the Office of ~the Clerk of the Oirc~it C,~rt in an~ fer Palm Beach County, Fleri~a, recorded in plat beck ~ page Variance, 7' imstead of lO~ set back in rear° O~ner, Maud Wallace. Miss Wallace present, no ebjecters. ~v~. Swank made the motiom that the request for a seven feet rear s~t hack be granted. Secended ~y Mr. Deughty. ~.. Swank amended his motiem to a~d the reason for giv~ this set ~ack is ~ecause of the ed~ shape shape of the lot and also te align the frent ef the Building with existing buildfmgs om adjoining lots. ~otiom unamimously carried. Mr. Swank made motion te adjeur~. Seconded by COl. Wehrell. (5:12 P~.) George Da~s, chairman Eerie L. DOmghtY, Secretary