Minutes 03-01-63BOAHD OF ADJUS~T ~TING WAS HELD ~ CITY HALL BOYNTON BEACH, ELORIDA, l~arch l, 1963. !~embers present: George Davis, Chairman M. L. Doughty, Secretary Willism Yates Jay Dave Swank Col Wehrell, alternate +0 · The meeting was called to order at 5.. 3 P.M. by I~o Davis Parcel l: HAPPY HOME h~iGHTS S/D, Lots 3 & 4, Blk 4, according to plat thereof on file in the office of~the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in plat book Il, page 30. Variance in rear set back line. (~ner $islene Dean. i~rs. Dean was present, no objectors. Mrs. Dean is asking a lO~ variance in the rear set back line of their property zoned R2. That ~the lots are sub-standar~ is a matter of record for 20 years end te get the necessary square footage to proceed with plans as submitted to the Building Department they will have to have additional square foot~ge. ~r. Yates made a motion, seconded by I~M. D~ughty, that the variance of 10' be granted. Unanimously carried. l~[r. Doughty requested that it be shown in the ~utes that all officers were re-elected for 1963. ~r. Sarno made the motion the meeting be adjourned, seconded by ~r. Swank. George Davis, Chairman Merle L. Doughty, Secretary