Minutes 01-03-63Minu~e~ of the Boa~d of Adjustment ~eeting held in City ~all, Presen~ '' Jay Same Willla~Yatee David Swank M, L, Dou~ht~ Col. ~ehrell (Alternate) John Thomas (Alternate) ~. Davis called the meetin~ to orde~ at 5~15 p,m. to eonslde~ application ~y ~eon B. Miner fo~ a variance on ~ea~ set back line on t~e following described prope~ty~ FOREST HILLS, Lot 1, Block 5, according to the plat ~hereof on file in the Office of the Olerk of t~e Circuit Court. in and .for P~alm Beach County, Florida, Addressl 26~0 S. ~. 7th St, There were no objectors present. Mr. and ~rs, LeOn B. Miner were present and Presented. their reasons for askin~ for the variance. Through an examination of the plat, it was determined that the variance requested would encroach 2 feet on a public Utili~y ease- men~ on the south side of ~he property, 12 was the opinion of the members that the Board would have no power to go into ~he Public ease~ent~ Mr. Doughty moved that the meeting ~e suspended, until .it eouldl be dete~mlned what. could be done abou~ the easement. ~e motion was seconded and unanimously