Minutes 01-10-63~.'.nute~ of Special ~eeting of the Adjustment Boerd, held in CitF tiall, ~oyflton Beach~ Florida, J~nuary 10, ~t111amYates Mr. Davis called the meeting to order to consider application by Leon B. Miner for a variance on rear set back line on the followtn~ described property~ FOREST HILLS, Lot 1, Block 5, according to the Pla~ thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and fo~ Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 57. Address! 26~0 $. ~ 7th St. Mr. Leon B. Miner was also present. It was brought to the attention of ~he Board that ~r. ~iner had altered his original reques~ in order th~2 his propose~ pool and screen enclosure would not encroach on the public utility easemen~ which runs along the south side off the propertye Mr. Sarno moved that the 2 foot variance ~e allowed provided tha~ i~ did not encroach on the puBliC easement. Mr. Yates seconded the motion which cad,led unanimously,