Minutes 12-21-62BOA?d) OF AD~;ST~IfC i~ETi!~G WB3 HELD f~% CITY [~iALL, BO~IfON B~,CH, ~FLQF. tDA DECE?fBER 21, 1962 ~e~Jser s present George Davis, Chairman ~ Lo Doughty~ Secretary Wi! ti~m Yates Jay Marne Dave Swank. Col. Wehrell: altezmate, took over for Mr. S~a~nk since he was not present at last meet ing The meeting was called to order at 5:05 P.H. by i~ir. Davis. .Parcel !: DEStrOy HEIGHTS, Lot 7, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for ~atm Beach County, Florida~ recorded in ~lat Book 24~ ~age i93~ Variance in set back in rear line~ O~a~ers, Angeio J. & irene C. !i~i!lips. ~frs. ~lhi!lips ~gas present ~ith l~fr. Joe Tomberg~ her attorney~ l~r. George Feitis, contractor and i~fr. Ed. Wilson ~£no drew the blueprints.~ !~o objectors ~gere present. Mr. Doughty made the motion that the variance be granted with the provision that the minimum distance from proposed building to the north lot line be not less than I7 feet. Seconded by Col. Wehrett. Carried unanimously. Jay Same made m~tion to adjourn, seconded by William Yates. (5:30) ~eo~ge Davxs, Cha~ rmmn ~er!e L. Doughty, Secretary