Minutes 10-26-62BOAED~. OF ADJUS~-T ~iEETING WAS ~ IN CITY HALL~, OCTOBER 26, 1962 ~embers present: George Davis, Chairman ~erle D~ughty, Secretary ~Jilli~m Yates Jay Sarno~ Jeh~ Themes, Alternate sitting in for Dave Swank Col. Wehrell, Alternate sitting in as an observer The meet~was called to order at 5:10 p.m. by George Davis. Parcel l: That part of the S 198.23~ of the N 660~ of Govt. Lot 3, lying between the West bou~dry of U.S. Hwy. #l and the East boundry of the F.E.C. Railway right of way, being located i~ Section 22, Township ~5 South~, Rauge43 East, Palm Beach Co~ty, Florida. Variance tm set backs. Owner Canadia~ Petroleum, Inc. one for or against the petition in the audience. The application was denied on t he grouads of insufficient front set back~ by unanimous vote. Jay S~rno made motion to adjour~: seconded by ~erle Doughty. (5:20) 2~erle Doughty, Secretary