Minutes 08-08-62Board of Adjustment Meeting held at City Hall, Wednesday~ August 8~ 1962. Members Present: George Davis, Chairman Dave Swank WilliamYates Jay Sarmo Meeting opened by Mr. Davis at 5:35 p.m. Parcel 1: Bellamy Heights, Lot 5 and the E7~ of Lot 6: W36' of Lot 7 & E21' of Lot 8: W22' of Lot 9 & E35' of Lot I0: All in Blk. 8 W43' of Lot 6 & El4~ of Lot 7: W29' of Lot 8 & E28~ of Lot 9: W15' of Lot 10 & E42' of Lot 11: E35' of Lot 15 & W22' of Lot 16: E2~' of Lot 17 & all of lots I8~ 19 & 20: Ail in BIk. 9. E42' of Lot I1, all of lot 10 & W22' of lot 9: E21' of lot 8 & W36' of lot 7: E7' of lot 6 & all of lot 5: All in Blk. 10. According to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County~ Florida, recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 62; Variance: side set backs. Owners: William Allan, Paul McBride & Raymond Zompa, Mr. McBride and Mr.~llan were present to speak in favor of the variance. Mr. Burns, Mr. Calford and Mr. Loftiss were oresent to object to the set backs. Motion was made by Mr. Sarno to grant the variance. Seconded by Mr. Ya~es. Carried unanimously, Parcel 2: Forest Park Heights, W$O' of Lot 19. According to the plat there of on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Palm Beach recorded in Plat Book 25~ Page 32. Variance: 8~ in rear line. Owner: William Tirsbier, Jr, Mr. Tirsbier was present to speak in favor of the variance. No one was present to voice objection. Motion made by Mr. Sarno to grant variance. Seconded by Mr. Yates. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjoum-med at 6:30 pomo