Minutes 05-28-62Board of Adjustment Meeting held in City Hall~ May 28~ 1962, at 5 o'clock P.E. Members Present: George Davis, Chairman M. L. Doughty, Secretary Jay Sarno Dave Swank Parc el 1: Lots 127 & 128, EiDG~OOD HILLS, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida, according to the plat thereof~on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, ~±orida, recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 250. Request for a special exception with particular reference to waiver the rear lO~ building set back requirement. Property is zoned Cl. (Co~nercial) O~fner: S. A. P~szcz~. The meeting was called to order by George Davis. Two petitions were filed regarding the request. against the request. One petition for and one R~s. Hirsch: Er. aud l~s. Mc Conigil and ~. Siegel were present to object to the stores as a nuisance and also to the 7' set back request. Mr. Doughty made the motion lit. Piszczek be granted his request ~ith the stipulation that no part of the building shall be placed nearer than 3~ to the north property line. A 20' alley exists in the rear of the property providing service access to the building and the nearest residence is more than l7' north of the alley, creating a space of ~0' between the residence and the proposed building, Seconded by~, Sarno. Unanimously carried. M~. Doughty made the motion, seconded by l~, Sarno that the meeting be adjourned, (6 ?.~.) ~eorge : Chairman M. L. ' ghty~ Se~ret~y