Minutes 04-15-02MTNUTES OF THE AGENDA PREVTEW CONFERENCE HELD TN CONFERENCE ROOM B, C'rTY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA ON MONDAY, APRTL 15, 2002 AT 4:00 P.M. Present Gerald Broening, Mayor Ron Weiland, Vice Mayor Mike Ferguson, Commissioner Mack McCray, Commissioner Kurt Bressner, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Janet Prainito, City Clerk Absent Charlie Fisher, Commissioner City Manager Bressner began the agenda review at 4:00 p.m. He announced that two additional proclamations would be added to the agenda. One is regarding the Boynton Beach High School's official dedication to be held on May 3rd. The other is for the Fair Housing Center of the Palm Beaches which will be presented at a luncheon meeting on April 18th. V.B.2. Presentation by Dr. Ananda Mitra summarizing the final report of the Recreation and Park Departments' Comprehensive Needs Assessment Copies of the report were distributed to the Commissioners, There will be a 10-15 minute presentation at the City Commission meeting. VZ.D. Caf~ La Notte -Request Conditional Use Approval to allow operation of a nightclub in a C-3 zoning district It was noted that there would be public comment regarding Caf~ La Notte. A possible concern will be the standards and control for noise. City Manager Bressner suggested that the City Commission look at staff's standards. Mayor Broening questioned what a reasonable condition for nightclubs would be. City Attorney Cherof answered that it would be anything that ,is necessary to preserve the peace and tranquility of the adjacent properties in the neighborhood. Mayor Broening asked whether the business could be shut down if they do not meet conditions concerning performance. City Attorney Cherof said that there cannot be a condition that operates as an automatic forfeiture of an occupational license. There would be a process for revocation. Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, Florida April 15, 2002 V]I,B.2. Award Consultant Agreement to 3EG Associates for services outlined in RFQ #037-2417-02/KR, .PHASE ONE ZMPLEMENTATZON OF THE HEART OF BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNZTY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, in the amount of $20,000 (Proposed Resolution No. R02- ) Assistant City Manager Hawkins stated that this is a pilot pro.~ect, which will be implemented throughout the City in the future. Commissioner McCray will pull this item for comment at the Commission meeting so that the audience can be made aware that this project is not only for one area of the City. Commissioner Ferguson was disappointed that there were no local bidders from Palm Beach County. VZT. B.3. Authorize City Manager to sign 2002-03 Fire Assessment Work Plan with Government Services Group, [nc. at a cost not to exceed $30,000 Commissioner Ferguson wants to pull this item for discussion at the Commission meeting. City Manager Bressner explained that since this is the first year that the City is going with Palm Beach County on the non-ad valorem billing, he wanted to ensure that we are doing it correctly. Commissioner Ferguson had some reservations regarding spending the $30,000. He would like to know how many C.O.'s have been issued since the first fire assessment bills went out. City Manager Bressner suggested that figures should be taken from the beginning of the fiscal year. VZZZ.A. Development of a procedure whereby the City Commission can designate certain honorary streets within the City City Manager Bressner explained that there have been requests to name streets after individuals and there currently are no procedures in place. ZX.A. Review of Proposed Amendment to Development Agreement - Harina ProJect (May 7, 2002) It was noted that this item probably will not be ready for the May 7th meeting. No draft of the agreement has been received from the developers. City Attorney Cherof will contact their attorney. ZX.C. Proposed Resolution No. R02-016 regarding authorizing the use of eminent domain to acquire the public right-of-way necessary to develop the Boynton Beach Boulevard Promenade and Riverwalk - Tabled on 01/15/02 (May 7, 2002) Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, Florida April 15, 2002 City Manager Bressner said that the City is waiting for some information from our appraiser concerning the property. The item may not be ready by Hay 7th. :ZX.D. Ordinance on first reading rescinding LDR Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11.3. Environmental Review and associated references to Environmental Review Permit or the Environmental Review Committee (May 7, 2002) City Attorney Cherof said that this item should be ready for the IVlay 7th meeting. ~[X.E. Discussion of proposed: Charter Review (May 2002) City Manager Bressner will provide some materials from the National Civic League to the City Commissioners. TX.H. Lake Eden Canal Maintenance Options (May 21, 2002) The City Commission will have a draft report on this item by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. X~[. New Business City Attorney Cherof distributed a procedure for dealing with meeting disruptions. This procedure can be implemented immediately~ He also provided a draft of an ordinance for the Commission's review. This ordinance will better clarify what the decorum issues are at meetings and what the procedure would be for cautioning someone and removing them and the role of the sergeant-at-arms. City Attorney Cherof stated that once somebody is removed from a meeting, their option is to watch the meeting from the lobby and to come back at the next meeting. This does not require any action or vote from the Commission. City Manager Bressner suggested that this procedure be made available to the chairs of all advisory boards. City Attorney Cherof said that he would amend the third step, which will allow for the chair at any meeting to call a police officer rather than a sergeant-at-arms. X~[Z.A. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-016 Re: Amending Land Development Regulations, Chapter 1, Article V. :Zmpact Fees and Dedications, Section 3, providing for implementation of a park and recreation facilities impact fee (2"d reading deferred until Hay 7, 2002) 3 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, Florida April 15, 2002 This proposed ordinance is being deferred to allow it to be reviewed by the CRA and the Planning & Development Board. XIII. Unfinished Business Commissioner Ferguson said that the old high school is scheduled to be demolished after the July Commission meeting. They (committee to save the school) were supposed to provide a report each month and there is none on the agenda. Quintus Greene, Development Director, will contact them regarding a report. Commissioner McCray requested that someone provide him with the square footage of the old high school and the square footage of the library. Other Fire Assessment Appeal Commissioner McCray asked about the Fire Assessment appeal process since a citizen has called him about this. Assistant City Manager Hawkins said that this particular citizen did file an appeal and was denied because of income. According to the ordinance, that is technically the final word. Assistant City Manager Hawkins will meet with Commissioner McCray to discuss this case. Other $140,000 tO TRS Commissioner McCray was concerned about the article in the newspaper regarding the $140,000 that the City had to pay the IRS. City Manager explained that this had to do with the 1996 bond issue where the City had borrowed $20+million and there was approximately $7 million remaining that needed to be spent within a certain amount of time. The difference between what the City was allowed to earn in interest on this bond money and what was actually earned had to be paid back to the TRS. It was not a penalty. Tt was basically dollars the City would not have earned in interest if we had completed the projects. Some of the Utilities projects were delayed and City Manager Bressner said that he would take responsibility for this even though it did not occur during his "watch." He assured the Commission that this would not happen while he was City Manager. Other Miscellaneous City Clerk Prainito informed the Commission that she had received a telephone call from a man who will speak at Public Audience tomorrow night regarding speeding along Gateway Boulevard and Lawrence Road. Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, Florida April 15~ 2002 There being no further business to be discussed, the Agenda Preview meeting properly adjourned at 4:35 p.m. A'I-I'EST: Clerk Del~ ~t~i~J~rk 5