Minutes 12-05-01City of Boynton Beach Library Advisory Board Minutes: December 5~ 2001 Present: Board members: Marva Collins, Marion Grammer, Donna Harmening, Dan Holthouse, Valerie Pleasanton, Herb Suss, Dorothy Walker Alternate: Judy Sanders Library Director: Virginia Farace Commissioner: Mack McCray Absent: None The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm. The minutes of the Nov. 7 meeting were approved as read. There was no correspondence. Valede thanked Virginia and the museum staff for their hard work. Herb expressed thanks for last month's tour. Virginia reported that the Schoolhouse Museum is now open to the public. A question and answer session followed on the museum's fees, exhibits and procedures. Herb reported that he has tentatively discussed with the city golf course director the possibility of a golf tournament in the fall of 2002 to raise money for the library. This event hopefully would be under the auspices of the Friends of the Library. There was no new business. Virginia reported that the computers at the Hester Center are not in place yet because work is still being done in the area in which the computers will be placed. Requesting an extension to the grant deadline was in the works. SlRSI has been upgraded to a new version that will allow library users to place holds online with a PIN number. Other online functions will allow users to check their own records, place requests and send questions to the library staff. Also, "self-check" equipment is being readied for use by the public. Virginia is trying to find software that will allow library uses to reserve computers without utilizing staff members. The library will soon have a new home page, called iBistro. Virginia asked the Board for suggestions pertaining to book reserve limits, and members made comments. SEFL[N has a new website that allows library users to search the catalogs of ali South Florida libraries in order to borrow books. ]:t is called MyVirtualLibrary. There will be no more free e-mail through this service. Future library projects include scanning historical photos for users' access and expanding formats. The library is also considering adding DVDs and books on CDs. After her report, Virginia asked the Board for an "end of the year summary" of the library's status. Members expressed concern for the lack of funds for new books. thanked Virginia and the library staff for an excellent job, and board members unanimously agreed. Valerie Commissioner McCray thanked the Board for its dedication and said that he will give $2000 from his discretionary fund for the purchase of new books. The next meeting will be held on 3an. 23, 2002. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30. Submitted by, Marion Grammer Adopted