Minutes 11-07-01 City of Boynton Beach
Library Advisory Board
Minutes: November 7, 2001
Present: Board members: Marva Collins, Marion Grammer, Donna Harmening, Dan
Holthouse, Valerie Pleasanton, Herb Suss, Dorothy Walker.
Alternate: Judy Sanders.
Library Dir(~ctor: Virginia Farace.
Absent: None
The Advisory Board met at the Schoolhouse Museum at 3:15. Museum Director Adeen
Dennison gave a tour of the museum, after which Board members gathered in the School
Room for a meeting.
The minutes of the August 22 meeting were approved as distributed.
J, R. Pineau has resigned from the Advisory Board; Donna Harmening has been
appointed as a permanent member.
Marion sent a letter to the mayor, vice mayor and city commissioners, requesting that the
$2.8 million set aside for library expansion not be used for the fire assessment; however,
the commission decided,' at their last meeting, to use the $2.8 million to lower the
assessment rate: If the state approves the library grant, the city must raise $6 million to
add to the grant money. This decision will not be made until July 2002.
Herb asked about ways to raise funds. Virginia said that the library is working with the
Friends to raise funds ifor expansion. Because books are included under operational
costs, the best plan WOuld be to convince the city commissioners and the public that the
book funds should not be cut each year and should, in fact, be increased.
Virginia informed the Board of the new program in Palm Beach County called "Everyone
Reads." This program will serve as a substitute for the annual Book Fest in 2002.
The November/December meeting will be held on December 5.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35.
Submitted by,
Marion Grammer