Minutes 09-26-01 of Boynton Beach
Library Advisory Board
Minutes: September 26, 2001
Board members:
Present: Valerie Pleasanton, Dan Holthouse, Dorothy Walker, Marva Collins, Marion Grammer.
Alternates: Judy Sanders, Donna Harmening.
Library Director: Virginia Farace.
Absent: Herb Suss, J. R. Pineau.
Public: Alice Otis.
Chair Valerie Pleasanton called the meeting to order at 3:25. The minutes of the August 22
meeting were approved as distributed.
Herb Suss was granted an excused absence because of the religious observance.
There was no correspondence.
Members received tee shirts from the City of Boynton Beach, although the Board had previously
requested that this expenditure be applied to the book fun6
Valerie reported that she had talked to Mayor Broening about the decrease in the library's book
fund; however, the mayor was not optimistic about increasing the present allocation of funds
because of the cost of expanding the fire department.
A discussion followed on the problem of finding funds for emergency services, as well as
expansion of the library. Some members pointed out that the library and fire department are
entirely separate and should be treated as such. Under Public Audience, Alice Otis gave her
opinion that global concerns were more important now than city expansions. Other members
pointed out that recent national events took precedence over local concerns, but funds can be found
for all necessary projects that have public support.
In response to a question by a board member, Virginia pointed out that if the city does not approve
funds after the grant is approved, the library will lose the grant funds and will not be able to reapply
for the same project. She also noted that many funds have been cut from the city budget already,
and the library has not been singled out for a decrease in funds.
The board unanimously passed a motion to send the following recommendation to the city's elected
"While the Boynton Beach City Library Advisory Board understands and supports the need for
expansion of emergency services in Boynton Beach, we recommend that the funds that have been
identified for the library NOT be used for that purpose instead of the library expansion."
Marion Grammer, secretary, will send a letter to the mayor, city manager and commissioners.
Virginia Farace reported that the library's budget was adopted with no additional funds. The long-
range plan was also adopted.
There was no new business.
Under Library Director's Report, Virginia reported that the Schoolhouse Museum would open in
November. September is Library Card Sign up month, and the library is working again with local
elementary schools to encourage all children to get their PowerCard (a library card). The library
has purchased pens as incentives to be handed out to new cardholders during this month. Virginia
will be going to the Public Library Directors Conference to meet with the State Librarian in
Sixteen security cameras have been installed to monitor the library and parking lot. The new
security guard is working well, and police have agreed to make to library calls for assistance a high
The next meeting will be held on October 24.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35.
Submitted by,
Marion Grammer