Minutes 07-25-01Boynton Beach City Library Advisory Board Minutes July 25, 2001 Present: Board members: Marion Grammer. Dan Holthouse, J. R. Pineau, Valerie Pleasanton, Herb Suss, Dorothy Walker. Alternates: Judy Sanders, and Donna Harmening. Assistant Director: A. D. Henehan. Citizen observer: Alice Otis. Absent: Marva Collins Chair Valerie Pleasanton called the meeting to order at 3:20 and welcomed new members Herb Suss, Donna Harmening and ,1.R. Pineau. Valerie read a letter from Commissioner Charlie Fisher. The City Commission has offered to buy tee- shirts for Advisory Board members with the city logo on them and requested that board members submit their sizes. Board members respectfully suggested that the city could use the tee-shirt money to buy books, as the budget has been cut this year. Herb offered to call a commissioner with our request. The June meeting of the Advisory Board was not held because a quorum was not present; therefore, there were no minutes from last month to approve. Under unfinished business, A.D. informed the Board of the library budget projections and other information. He explained that the health insurance for library employees was increased by 20% and our budget request had to be adjusted accordingly to bring the bottom line request in at the city manager mandate of only 4% over current year. For that reason, the book budget request could not be increased as was recommended by the board. Herb asked members how we can increase the book budget and asked if we could contact a local golf group to see if we can have a fund raising event. He and Valerie will discuss this possibility with Virginia. A.D. said that the library could perhaps increase the fines income. Board members also suggested informing the public of the need for additional funds and asked for ways that people could contribute in small amounts. Some suggestions were single magazine subscriptions, small endowments and an increase in libraw funds. Alice Otis asked how lost, damaged and stolen books are replaced and A.D. responded to her quew. Budget hearings will be held during the week of July 30. A.D. will have a staff member notify Advisory Board members of the time and place of these meetings and those that well be held in September. Valerie asked about the odor that is present in the library, and A.D. explained the steps that the library has taken to correct the problem. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35. Submitted by, Harion Grammer, Secretary Approved: August 22, 2001