ON MONDAY, MARCH '11, 2002 at 10:00 A.M.
Carisse Weise, Chairperson
Tom Balfe, Vice Chair
John Bebensee
Bob Borden
Bill Coup
Gary Ezzell
Eric Falstad
Barbara Madden
Matt Immler
Dorothy Mack
Chuck Magazine
Mike Rumpf
Tina Smith
Sharon Tierney
Rodney Vickey
City Manager (and Communications)
Public Works/Parks
Golf Course
City Clerk's Office
Human Resources
Risk Management
I. Call to Order
Chairperson Weise Called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and stated all members were present,
Chairperson Weise declared that she would be representing Communications,
III. Acceptance of Minutes of February 1 l, 2002 Regular Meeting
Mr. Ezell moved to accept the minutes of the February 11, 2002 meeting. The motiOn
was seconded by Mr. Coup and unanimously carried.
Safety Committee Education and Training Program:
"New Employee Safety Orientation" - Video
Chairperson Weise announced that OSHA would be offering an Anthrax biohazard,
training curriculum. As soon as more information on the programs is available, the City
will acquire the programs that would apply. Consideration is being given to designating
certain staff members as biohazard-training specialists.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
March 11, 2001
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Deputy Fire Marshal Borden had no report. Mr. Magazine reported that alarms have
been going off in City Hall. One alarm was related to a dirty smoke detector and the
other was attributable to someone smoking in the bathroom.
Mr. Magazine inquired if there was a maintenance procedure for cleaning the smoke
detectors on a regular basis. Deputy Fire Marshal Borden suggested that Facilities
Management be contacted. Mr. Balfe will follow through on this. Deputy Fire Marshal
Borden reported that the fire alarm system is tested annually, which includes a visual
check of the smoke detectors. The inspection is performed by an outside licensed
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
Ms. Tina Smith of Utilities had a Safe Worker Award to present to Barry Hall. Mr. Hall
repaired the step on one of the EMS trucks, which resulted in an improvement of the
truck. There was no one on staff at Fleet Maintenance that could perform this type of
Ms. Smith also had Safe Worker Awards for Michael Taylor and Michael Dazzo. These
two employees designed a device consisting of a hook attached to an insulated pole
that could be used to pull the wires out of the hanging floats in the wet well. Rats have
constantly chewed these wires, which resulted in the workers being shocked. By
utilizing this device, this no longer happens.
Mr. Balfe reported that when clay was being delivered to 15th Avenue, the driver of the
truck drove away and pulled down one of the high-tension wires. The truck driver
panicked and tried to jump out of the truck. Joe Perez, a City employee, who was at the
site, told the truck driver to stay in the truck. The Fire Department was contacted and
handled the situation. As a result of Mr. Perez' quick action, there were no injuries.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (Magazine)
Mr. Magazine will send out the reports in the near future
D. Defensive Driver Course
Mr. Magazine reported that there have been problems with people not showing up for
their class. The course is mandatory for any employee who drives a City vehicle. The
course must be taken every three years. It is also a required course for the Police and
Fire Departments. Chief Immler responded that if the Police personnel were required to
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
March 11, 2001
take the course, it would have to be done during working hours only. Mr. Magazine will
work out the particulars with Deputy Chief Immler.
Chairperson Weise inquired if there was a record kept when employees must take the
course after their three years are up. Mr. Magazine said that he maintains a list and
could break it down by department to determine which employees need to take the
course. If an employee does not take the course as required, there is a City policy that
prohibits that employee from driving a City vehicle. Chairperson Weise suggested that
Mr. Magazine notify employees when they must take the course.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
F. Wellness Program (Magazine)
Mr. Magazine reported that this is being finalized.
G. Departmental Safety Standard Operational Procedures
Mr. Balfe distributed his first draft for the departmental safety standard procedures for
the Parks Department. Mr. Balfe stated that there are a few more items that need to be
added. Chairperson Weise noted that Mr. Wildner also assisted with the Department's
procedures. Departmental safety standards will serve as a reference to new employees
in order to familiarize them with individual departmental safety procedures.
Mr. Magazine also pointed out that the purpose of preparing safety standard procedures
is to ensure that each department has their own safety SOPs. There is a safety manual
for the entire City, but each department should have their own policies as well.
Chairperson Weise said that each Safety Coordinator is responsible for writing their own
departmental safety procedures.
Mr. Magazine reminded members that MSDS sheets are available on the City's Intranet.
However, any department that uses a particular chemical regularly should have the
printed MSDS sheet available in a book. These sheets are available through the
Mr. Magazine pointed out that the City's Safety ManUal and any SOPs in the APM are
citywide and should not be duplicated. Each safety coordinator is being asked to use
only those SOPs that apply to their department and any new ones that they deem
Mr. Magazine will put together a short program for next month's educational training
section on how to write a safety policy to assist the Safety Coordinators. Chairperson
Weise pointed out that there are no time constraints on getting these prepared and
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
March 11, 2001
assistance will be offered to anyone who needs it. The Utilities Department and the
Public Works Department are exempt because there is a possibility that a new person
will be hired and this will be one of his responsibilities.
H. City Hall Evacuation Notification System
Randy Northrup of ITS has been doing some testing on the ring-down system. Before
this can be set up citywide, there needs to be a policy and procedure in place. As soon
as this is done, a practice drill will take place. The main answering point in each
department will be responsible for notifying all employees within the department to
evacuate the building. The policy should be available at the next meeting. Mr.
Magazine suggested that this procedure be included as a safety item in each
department's safety manual.
J. I.D./Proximity Badges
A sign-out sheet for employees requesting proximity badges at the front desk is now in
use. Mr. Magazine emphasized that employees are not to open doors for anyone that
does not have a pass or employee identification. All employees are required to wear
their badges so that they are visible.
Ms. Smith noted that employees who lose their badges must pay to replace them. Ms.
Smith stated that because of the nature of her job, the badges get knocked off and at
times it takes a long time to find it. Chairperson Weise responded that there are holders
that can be worn that would release when the badge gets caught. Mr. Magazine will
check various catalogs to see what is available.
Ms. Madden reported that after one Board meeting that ended around 10 o'clock in the
evening, she noticed that the side door to City Hall was left wedged open. If she had
not been present that night to lock up after the meeting, the door would, be left open all
night. Chairperson Weise will speak with Mr. Fiege. Mr. Magazine requested that if
anyone discovers that a door has been left open to close it and to notify him
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
E~. Other
Chairperson Weise said that she has been asked if it were possible to change the
Safety Committee Meeting date because the second Monday of the month is not
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
March 11, 2001
conducive to all departments. Chairperson Weise inquired if the Board were willing to
change the date and time of the meeting.
Mr. Coup moved to change the Safety Committee Meeting date to the second
Wednesday of every month. (Motion died for lack of a second.)
Members considered various options. One date proposed was the in the morning on
the second Friday of the month. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that
members would report back at next month's meeting on the dates they would be
available to meet.
VII. Announcements
Mr. Magazine announced that the Safety Awards Luncheon will take place on Thursday,
March 14th at the Airport Hilton. The City will be receiving two awards.
Mr. Magazine announced the classes that were scheduled by the Palm Beach County
Safety Council. A safety class on dog bites will be conducted by the Safety Council on
April 16th , which is a new program. If the program proves worthwhile, consideration
may be given to bringing it on site. The DOT required course for maintenance of traffic
training will take place at Palm Beach Gardens on April 8 and 9. Anyone interested in
attending any classes should contact Risk Management as soon as possible.
Chairperson Weise reminded the members that today was the sixth month anniversary
of "911" and asked everyone to take a moment to remember the victims and heroes.
VIII. Next Meeting Date:
Monday, April 8, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
VIII. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(March 18, 2002)