ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11,2002 at 10:00 A.M.
Carisse Weise, Chairperson
Tom Balfe, Vice Chair
John Bebensee
Bob Borden
Chuck Magazine
Bill Coup
Eric Falstad
Barbara Madden
Tom McCabe
Maibet Rosado
Mike Rumpf
Tina Smith
Sharon Tierney
Klm Williams
City Manager
Public Works/Parks
Risk Management
Golf Course
City Clerk's Office
Human Resources
Gary Ezzell
Tina Smith
Rodney Vickey
Utilities Admin/EWTP
I. Call to Order
Chairperson Weise called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of January 14, 2002 Regular Meeting
Mr. Magazine moved to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2002 meeting.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Coup and unanimously carried.
Safety Committee Education and Training Program:
"New Employee Safety Orientation" - Video
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2002
Mr. Magazine explained that today's video was produced by the Florida League
of Cities as a safety video for new municipal employee orientation. They are
anticipating producing a second video, which would be geared towards public
works or utilities and asked if the City would be agreeable to having the film shot
in the City. Mr. Magazine agreed to this. Mr. Magazine will be speaking with
Human Resources to make arrangements for the video to be shown to all new
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Mr, Magazine noted that an alarm went off last week in City Hall and inquired if a
report was prepared. Deputy Fire Marshal Borden responded that a report was
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (Magazine)
Year-end reports were distributed. All safety inspections are to be completed in
conformance with the Municipal Self-Inspection Guide that contains the
necessary inspection sheets. The old forms should be discarded. The Guide is
available on the shrdata drive under "Safety". There are sections in the Guide
that are applicable to all departments.
Mr. Magazine reviewed the OSHA reportable figures with the Committee as
follows. These figures apply to all persons who were injured and required
medical treatment.
1997 247
1998 95
1999 99
2000 98
2001 103
The City's incidence rate, which is a formula using the OSHA reportables and
number of hours worked for all employees, was as follows:
1997 34.96
1998 12.34
1999 11.71
2000 10.35
2001 10.61
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2002
According to the United States Department of Labor, the City's rate should be
around 9.0.
Preventable motor vehicle accidents were as follows:
1998 18
1999 26
2000 26
2001 26
The Worker Compensation Experience Modification Rate is developed by the
State and compares municipalities with similar number of employees. The
average MOD rate is 1.0. and the City's rates were as follows:
1997 .83
1998 .89
1999 .75
2000 .67
2001 .85
Mr. Magazine pointed out that the year 2000 was very good, but in 2001 the
figures increased. Mr. Magazine will be recommending that the City hire a Safety
Officer because the current system is not working. In the interim, Mr. Magazine
will be doing weekly departmental inspections. Safety inspections should be
performed on a monthly basis.
Deputy Fire Marshal Borden reported that his department conducts an annual fire
inspection of all City facilities.
D. Defensive Driver Course
Classes have been scheduled for next month. Anyone requiring more
information should contact Risk Management.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
F. Wellness Program (Magazine)
Mr.' Magazine is following through with this.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy (Smith)
Utilities Department Proposed Change
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2002
Ms. Tina Smith was advised at the last meeting to attend today's meeting to
further discuss the hardhat issue. Since Ms. Smith was not present, the matter
was tabled. It will not appear on the agenda unless requested by the Utilities
H. Departmental Safety Standard Operational Procedures
Chairperson Weise noted that members were requested to bring to the meeting
their Department's SOPs and to determine if there are any changes needed
within their department. At each monthly meeting, a safety coordinator will be
requested to bring their department's SOPs to the meeting. Chairperson Weise
suggested going by the membership list beginning with Tom Balfe. She
requested that all safety coordinators speak with employees in their departments
to determine if they have any safety issues they would like addressed. Following
Mr. Balfe, Ms. Barbara Madden from the Clerk's Office will report at the next
following meeting.
I. City Hall Evacuation Notification System
Chairperson Weise reported that the ring-down system would involve all main
answering points(MAPs) in City Hall. All MAPs will be contacted in the event an
evacuation is necessary. A test of the ring-down system will be conducted in the
very near future and any department that does not have a live person answering
the MAP will be reported to the City Manager. The APM also states that a live
person must answer the MAP. The system will first focus on the City Hall
Complex and then facilities outside of City Hall will be addressed.
J. I.D./Proximity Badges
Chairperson Weise reported that there are employees who habitually abuse not
using their assigned Proximity Badges. Whenever an employee needs a
temporary Proximity Badge, they will now be required to sign in at the front desk.
Reports will be furnished to Chairperson Weise on a weekly basis and any
employee that is determined to be abusing the use of the Proximity Badges will
be reported to their department head.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Chairperson Weise read from the APM dealing with the Safety Committee. It
states under membership that Safety Coordinators are expected to attend each
and every Safety Committee Meeting. If unable to attend, an alternate shall
attend. When a Safety Coordinator cannot attend a meeting, they should notify
Risk Management that an alternate would be attending the meeting in their place.
Chairperson Weise will notify department heads when a committee member does
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2002
not attend a meeting and a copy of the notification will be sent to the City
Manager. Any Safety Coordinator (or their alternate) that misses two meetings
in a row will be reviewed by the Committee and recommendations will be made
to the dePartment heads. This rule will now be enforced.
B. Other
Ms. Madden inquired if the mail clerks are still required to wear gloves. Mr.
Magazine stated that the mail clerks have never been required to wear gloves
and that this was an option provided to the mail clerks. Mr. Magazine
recommended that the mail clerks wash their hands after sorting the mail.
It was reported that some employees in the Clerk's Office felt that the neckwear
clipped to the Proximity Badge is too long and creates a safety hazard. Mr.
Magazine recommended contacting the warehouse to determine if there are
alternatives available.
VII. Announcements
Mr. Magazine distributed the list of workshops scheduled for February and March
by the Safety Council of Palm Beach County.
Mr. Magazine announced that the Annual Safety Council Awards Program is
scheduled for March 14th. The City has put in for several awards.
Vice Chair Balfe inquired about the schedule of the shoe truck. He was informed
that the truck is in Boynton Beach on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Vice Chair
Balfe asked if the truck could change the date, or in the alternative, come twice
during that week, since some employees are off that day of the month. Mr.
Magazine did not think this was possible. He suggested that employees who
cannot go to the shoe truck on the scheduled date, go to the Ritz Safety Store at
1851 N. Powerline Road, Pompano Beach 33069 to purchase their shoes.
Mr. Falstad reported that the truck would be coming out to the Golf Course after
the regular City stop, which should be sometime around 10:00 a.m. Mr.
Magazine noted that employees are reimbursed up to $75.00 for their safety
shoes. If an employee does not like the choice of shoes, they can purchase a
different safety shoe that meets OSHA standards and pay for the shoes
themselves. The employee would then be reimbursed up to $75.00. The Ritz
Safety Store will only accept the voucher for shoes that are listed on the voucher.
Deputy Fire Marshal Borden announced that there was a blood drive today from
12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. in the City Hall parking lot.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, March 11, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Minutes ·
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2002
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(February 13, 2002)