ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2001 at 10:00 A.M.
Chuck Magazine, Chairman
Carisse Weise, Vice Chair
Tom Balfe
Barry Brandenburg
Bill Coup
Gary Ezzell
Eric Falstad
Dorothy Mack
Barbara Madden
Brent Rolle
Mike Rumpf
Tina Smith
Rodney Vickey
Kim Williams
Risk Management
City Manager
Golf Course
Human Resources'
City Clerk's Office
Bob Borden Fire
Tom McCabe Police
Larry Quinn Public Works
John Yurch Engineering
Also Present
Don Johnson, Building Official
Glenda Hall, Parks Superintendent
I. Call to Order
Chairman Magazine called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of November 19, 2001 Regular Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 10, 2001
Chairman Magazine requested that the motion that was duly made, seconded
and apprOved unanimously adopting the Personal Protective Equipment Policy
be included on Page 4 at the end of the discussion of the item.
Mr. Coup moved to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2001 meeting, as
amended. Motion was seconded by Mr. Vickey and unanimously carried.
Safety Committee Education and Training Program:
"Safety - Everyone's Responsibility"
The video was postponed.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
There was no representative present from the Fire Department to give a report.
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
Chairman Magazine reported that the Holiday Parade was held at night for the
first time this year. For the safety of her workers, Ms. Glenda Hall, Parks
Supervisor, supplied flashing reflectors to be worn as armbands to make them
more visible. Chairman Magazine presented Ms. Hall with a Safe Worker Award
for using her own initiative to purchase additional equipment in order to ensure
the safety of her staff.
Mr. Johnson suggested that there be more crowd control at the turn on the
corner of Ocean Avenue to prevent the children from wandering out into the
street. Chairman Magazine felt that the entire street should be barricaded on
both sides.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chairman Magazine will e-mail the reports to all the members.
D. Defensive Driver Course
The schedule of dates for the course for January and March were previously
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 10, 2001
Entering private property, i.e. fenced in backyards
(Police and Code Enforcement)
No report
F. Wellness Program (Magazine)
The contract should be signed by January so that the first Lunch 'n Learn session
can be scheduled for that month. This will be done on a monthly basis.
Brochures will be circulated.
G. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy
a. Building Division Proposed Change
Chairman Magazine reported that some departments have raised issues
regarding the Personal Protection Equipment Policy. The Building Division has
concerns regarding the field inspection division wearing safety shoes. Mr. Don
Johnson, Building Official, is present to address these concerns. Mr. Johnson
distributed a memo dated June 15, 2000 from Chuck Magazine, Risk Manager,
when the item had been previously reviewed. The memo stated that the field
inspection section was exempted from wearing steel-toe safety shoes. He was
present today to request that this policy be continued. The field inspection
section would continue to wear a safety shoe, but would be exempt from wearing
a shoe that contains a "steel-toe".
Vice Chair Weise inquired if the definition of a safety shoe included a steel toe
and Chairman Magazine responded that it does in accordance with American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifications. Mr. Johnson acknowledged
that the inspectors do go out to construction sites and Chairman Magazine stated
that people on construction sites are required to wear steel-toed shoes in
accordance with OSHA standards. Mr. Johnson cited that OSHA Standard 926
does not require that a steel-toed safety shoe be worn.
Mr. Johnson said that the inspectors would still wear a hard-sole, hard-sided,
non-slip shoe, but without the steel toe. Chairman Magazine pointed out that if
this were approved, the City would not reimburse the inspectors for their shoe
purchase as these would not be considered safety shoes. Vice Chair Weise
suggested that the shoe might become part of the Department's uniform
requirement and under those circumstances, they may be reimbursed
departmentally, however this was outside the scope of the Safety Committee.
The City only pays for safety-shoes as defined in the PPE.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 10, 2001
Chairman Magazine said that after today's meeting, he would be sending a letter
to all department heads informing them of what constitutes a safety-shoe. This
would include:
> steel safety toe - protection from falling, rolling or moving objects - class 75
must withstand an impact of 75-pounds and compression of 2,500 pounds;
> leather upper - exterior of shoe/boot;
> sole - various materials, may include leather, composition, synthetics and
rubber, to protect against slipping, oil penetration and other hazards;
;> shank - steel or other material to prevent puncture through the sole;
> 6" style boot for use when ankle and foot need support or protection.
Mr. Johnson responded that the safety inspectors do not work in the type of
environment that would require this kind of shoe.
Currently the specification table lists an "Ftl" shoe requirement for Building
Inspect/Rehab. Also Mr. Johnson requested that Electrical and
Mechanical/Plumbing Inspectors (Ft2) also be exempted. Although the Rehab
Inspector does not fall under the Building Department, the Committee may also
want to consider exempting that position as well.
Chairman Magazine noted that under the specifications, an Electrical Inspector is
required to wear an "Ft4" shoe, which is an electrical boot. Mr. Johnson
responded that Electrical Inspectors do not touch live wire.
Chairman Magazine pointed out that if these three categories of inspectors are
exempted, they would not be reimbursed for their shoes in accordance with the
collective bargaining agreement that specifically states that the City purchase
safety footwear. The old policy for the field inspectors would have to be updated.
He suggested that Mr. Johnson speak with the Finance Department regarding
reimbursement for shoe purchases other than safety shoes.
Mr. Johnson requested that the Committee consider adding an alternative
footwear to the safety policy. Chairman Magazine noted that the PPE was sent
to every department for review and to bring it back to this Committee with that
department's recommendations. Mr. Johnson said he did not have an opportunity
to review the new PPE Policy.
Vice Chair Weise asked if the Committee wanted to keep the ANSI Standard for
safety shoes, or develop a definition of a safety shoe for various departments.
Vice Chair Weise said as an alternative, this Committee could vote to exempt the
Building Department from having to wear a "safety shoe" as defined by ANSI.
Chairman Magazine asked if any member wished to make a motion to change
the safety shoe definition from the ANSI Standards for safety footwear, which is
required by OSHA. There was no motion made; therefore the City will continue
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 10, 2001
with the ANSI Standards. Chairman Magazine distributed a Safety Footwear
Requirement Memo dated December 10, 2001.
Vice Chair Weise moved to allow the Building Department to change the
standard of footwear to whatever that Department feels is necessary.
Chairman Magazine said that the motion should state that the safety requirement
under footwear should be deleted and left "blank" under the three categories
requested by Mr. Johnson. Vice Chair Weise accepted the amended motion.
Motion seconded by Mr. Coup.
For clarification purposes if the motion were adopted, mechanical/plumbing
inspectors, building inspectors, and fire inspectors would no longer have a safety
footwear requirement. It would then be up to the Department to decide how they
wanted to proceed.
A lengthy discussion on the motion ensued. Vice Chair Weise informed Mr.
Johnson that if the motion was approved, it would not be considered a safety
shoe for reimbursement. In order to reimburse the inspectors, it would have to
be through the departmental budget if this was approved through the Finance
Department. Chairman Magazine reiterated that such decisions are outside the
scope of the Safety Committee. Mr. Johnson requested that a memo to this
effect be sent to Finance. Vice Chair Weise will follow through with this request.
Chairman Magazine called for a vote on the motion.
The Recording Secretary called the roll. The motion carried 8-5 (Chairman
Magazine, Eric Falstad, Dorothy Mack, Brent Rolle and Gary Ezzell dissenting.
Mr. Vickey had left the meeting.)
b. Meter Reading Division Proposed Change
No representative present, so this was not discussed
c. Other Proposed Changes
Ms. Smith wished to discuss the requirement that heavy equipment operators
must wear hardhats while in the roll cage. She also inquired if this also applied
to the Sanitation Department. Chairman Magazine stated that there is no head
protection requirement for refuse collection/drivers, sanitation equipment
operators and truck drivers. Ms. Smith stated if she were required to wear a
hardhat while operating her equipment, it would result in her head hitting the roof,
which in turn hurts her neck.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
December 10, 2001
(The Recording Secretary left the meeting at 10:55 a.m. For the remainder of the
meeting, Vice Chairman Weise took the notes. )
Vice Chair Weise requested that Ms..Smith bring back to the next Safety
Committee Meeting additional information pertaining to the exact type of heavy
equipment she feels does not require hardhats, together with an explanation of
why they were not necessary. Mr. Coup also requested that Ms. Smith provide
pictures so that the members would have a visual idea of what she meant by
heavy equipment.
Chairman Magazine requested a motion to remove the hardhat requirement from
the PPE Policy. No motion was made. Ms. Smith will provide more information
at the next meeting.
H. Departmental Safety Issues
Ms. Mack brought up the fact that police cam are creating traffic hazards in the
parking garage. At times their vehicles are double-parked with the doom left
open. This makes it very difficult for cam to maneuver throughout the garage,
especially if another car was coming from the opposite direction. Chairman
Magazine will follow through on this.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues -None
B. Other- None
VII. Announcements
Chairman Magazine distributed the flyer from the Palm Beach County Safety
Council for their upcoming workshops.
VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE: Monday January 14, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(December 12, 2001)