FEBRUARY 13, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.
Beth Miller, Vice Chair
Anne Centi
Michele Costantino
Joy Currier
Blanche Girtman
Eddie Mitchell
Anna Marie Noe
Ron Washam, Chair
Hansome Jones
Pledge of Allegiance
Dan DeCarlo, Board Liaison
I1. Roll Call - Regular Members and Alternates
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
Recognition of Visitors
Minutes Approval - January 9, 2002
Ms. Costantino moved to approve the minutes.
and unanimously carried.
Motion seconded by Ms. Noe
In the absence of Chairman Washam, Vice Chair Miller presided and called the
meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
February 13, 2002
V. Agenda Approval
Ms. Girtman moved that the agenda be apprOved as presented with the
necessary additions.
There were no additions to the agenda.
Motion seconded by Mr. Mitchell and unanimously carried.
VI. Correspondence and Announcements
Mr. DeCarlo distributed a Schedule of Events for HeritageFest 2002. Everyone
was encouraged to attend.
Mr. Mitchell announced that as part of HeritageFest 2002, on Saturday, February
16th, at the Boynton Beach Mall, there will be an art and science exhibit by the
students who attend the elementary and middle schools.
Anyone wishing to purchaSe tickets to any of the events should contact the
Recreation Department.
Vice Chair Miller announced that the Education Advisory Board has tentatively
scheduled a Principals' Roundtable at 1:00 p.m. on June 20th and would like to
have this Board participate, along with other City Boards.
Mr. DeCarlo announced that at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 25th, a Heart of
Boynton Meeting for the Poinciana Heights Neighborhood area is scheduled at
the Wilson Center. Mad Dads will be present. The main purpose of the meeting
will be to put together a neighborhood structure that would include the election of
The next PATCH meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20th at 7:00
p.m. in the West Wing, Conference Room C. Notices were mailed today.
VII. Old Business
Ms. Costantino inquired about the date of the Board dinner and was informed
that it has been scheduled for April this year.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
February 13, 2002
VIII. New Business
Youth in Government Day: Thursday, April 25, 2002
Mr. DeCarlo gave a history of the Youth in Government Day, which has been
taking place in the City for 30 years. Middle and high school students participate
and act as department heads, city officials or commissioners for the day. A mock
City Commission meeting is held that evening. The new Boynton Beach High
School will be participating this year along with the schools that participated last
year. Mr. DeCarlo and Ms. Weinstein will be meeting with a representative of the
new High School to explain the program. Participation is usually limited to
approximately 25 stUdents. Santaluces High School will not be participating this
A luncheon is held for the participants and members of the Community Relations
Board are invited to attend. The luncheon will not be held at the Children's
Museum as in the past. Staff is looking for another place for the luncheon.
Mr. Mitchell inquired about the agenda for the mock Commission meeting. Mr.
DeCarlo explained that various departments prepare agenda items for the
students and many issues are discussed and debated. The program has been
very successful in influencing students in a positive direction.
Mr. Mitchell suggested that Mr. DeCarlo contact Ms. Decker, the Area 2
Superintendent, for her assistance with the principals of the participating schools.
Mr. DeCarlo said he would follow through on this suggestion. Members inquired
if the date of the program should be changed. Mr. DeCarlo felt that this should
be discussed in planning next year's program.
Ms. Costantino emphasized that it was important that each and every Boynton
Beach middle and high school student be given an opportunity to participate.
Ms. Girtman suggested that when Mr. DeCarlo visits the various schools he
present an agenda of the program in order to acquaint the principals with Youth
in Government Day. Mr. DeCarlo anticipated that an agenda would be presented
to the schools. Ms. Girtman felt that this Board should provide some curricula to
the studentS so that they can obtain jobs when they graduate from college. Mr.
DeCarlO said that this is something that the Education Advisory Board should
deal with and that it could be discussed at the principals' roundtable. He would
like to see the City Boards work more closely.
IX. Adjournment
Next Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(February 15, 2002)