ON MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2002 AT 6:00 P.M.
Beverly ^gee, Chairperson Virginia Farace, Board Liaison
Floyd Bell
Jean Cairo
Rae Fellows
Judith Braswell, Alternate
Denise Chamberlain, Alternate
Revia Lee
Mark Scott
Ashley Hall, Student Member
Andrea Floyd, Student Member
I. Opening and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Chair Agee called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present. The
alternates were advised that they would be voting in place of two regular members who
were not present.
III. Minutes of October 4 and December 6, 2001
There were no changes, additions, or deletions to the above minutes.
Ms. Cairo moved to accept the stated minutes as written. The motion was seconded by
Chair Agee and carried unanimously.
IV. Chair's Report
Chair Agee welcomed the new members, Ms. Denise Chamberlain and Dr. Floyd Beil, to
the Board. She also acknowledged the presence in the audience of Commissioner
Mack McCray and Ms. Karen Whetsell, the principal of Poinciana Elementary School,
and welcomed them to the meeting. Later in the meeting Chair Agee welcOmed Veronica
Mackey to the meeting.
Chair Agee suggested adding the Atlantic High School move issue to the agenda under
New Business since she had gotten several phone calls about it.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 14, 2002
V. City Liaison's Report
Ms. Farace wished a Happy New Year to all. She reserved her comments on the
Boundary issue until the Unfinished Business portion of the agenda.
VI. Public Audience
Commissioner McCray commended the Education Advisory Board for its hard work. He
said it was hard to find volunteers for Boards and that the members' work and dedication
was most appreciated by the City.
Ms. Karen Whetsell stated that she was present to give a status report on the magnet
school program.
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Boundaries
Ms. Farace reported that the Boundary Subcommittee had attended a long series of
public input meetings and Advisory Boundary Committee meetings on this topic. The
Boundary Subcommittee spoke on behalf of the Education Advisory Board and the City
of Boynton Beach. Their input was successful in achieving some benefits to Boynton
Beach schools that would not have happened except for their recommendations and
The Advisory Boundary Committee (ABC) met last week and made boundary decisions
affecting the report they would pass on to the Superintendent of Schools, based on the
community input it received in the public meetings on December 13 and 18, 2001. Ms.
Farace distributed a packet of information from this meeting to the Board members.
SAC 254, a portion of Cypress Creek, did not wish to be re-assigned to Galaxy
Elementary and they came out in great strength at the meeting. They wanted to remain
at Citrus Cove. This request was granted and the ABC is changing its recommendation,
allowing this SAC to remain at Citrus Cove.
SAC 250B has a majority of students going to Rolling Green. A small portion of SAC
250B wished to remain at Citrus Cove and the Boundary Subcommittee of the EAB
requested this. SAC 250D also wished to remain at Citrus Cove rather than be
transferred to Forest Park. The request was granted for a small portion of SAC 250B but
denied for SAC 250D. The Boundary Subcommittee asked whether SAC 250D could be
transferred to Galaxy, since Forest Park would be at 114% of capacity and Galaxy at
92%. The ABC thought it was a good idea but stated that it would require another public
input meeting. This public input meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 22 at
Galaxy Elementary School. The usual meeting time is 6:30 p.m. Ms. Cairo mentioned
that the late notice of the public input meetings probably caused the small turnouts. Ms.
Farace is attempting to find out a firm date and time and suggested that people call her
for information. Ms. Farace invited interested parties to attend the Boundary
Subcommittee meeting on Thursday, January 17, at 4:00 p.m., in the Library Program
Room. They will talk about how to get the public out for SAC 250D and what
approaches to consider in making any further recommendations.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
Ms. Farace brought up the request of the families of eleven students on Diane Drive who
wanted to go to the new elementary school on Congress Avenue. The parents spoke of
their desire' and the ABC listened, but the parents' bid was not successful. It failed since
it would call for a special bus transportation zone. The EAB supported the parents'
desire to have their children attend a Boynton Beach school and could accept Forest
Park as the assigned school but the parents were not interested in this alternative. The
Delray Beach representative at the meeting did not allow it to come to a vote, strongly
preferring that the students stay at Plumosa. Commissioner McCray noted that there
had been calls to the Commissioners asking for the City's support for their cause. They
were told that the City Commission backed the recommendation of the EAB.
When the ABC meets to finalize boundaries, after the SAC 250D public input meeting,
the Boundary Subcommittee would like to make a recommendation on behalf of the full
EAB. Ms. Farace asked for EAB approval for the Boundary Subcommittee to formulate
the EAB's recommendation and speak for the full EAB on this issue.
Ms. Fellows moved to empower the Boundary Subcommittee to speak on behalf of the
full Education Advisory Board on the boundary issues. Ms. Braswell seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
Ms. Farace stated that when the ABC recommendation was heard by the School Board
in late February or early March, she hoped that there would be a large turnout and
invited all the Board members and parents to attend. She especially hoped that one or
more of the Commissioners would attend to speak on behalf of the EAB's
Chair Agee suggested that the SAC assignment reports be deferred to the end of the
meeting in favor of discussing the Atlantic High School move, since Commissioner
McCray was still present. She felt that it was very much a political issue and that the
Commissioners from Delray Beach and Boynton Beach would have to work together on
the issue if the EAB decided to take a position on this issue.
X. New Business
Atlantic High School Move
Chair Agee distributed a packet of information to the Board members about this issue.
Some of the Commissioners had already been approached about this. Chair Agee
mentioned that there was to be a rally against the Atlantic High School move at the
Delray Beach Commission meeting at 5:30 p.m. on January 15. The new home of the
International Baccalaureate program at Atlantic, the effect on diversity and boundaries,
and the effect on the Boynton Beach students resulting from this move were all raised as
concerns. Chair Agee noted that there were several issues that Delray had to resolve
before any decision to move Atlantic became final. The current plan calls for the
renovations of Atlantic to begin in the summer of 2002. Commissioner McCray
suggested that the Board continue to investigate and advise the City Commission
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 14, 2002
of their findings. He also commented that Delray Beach had supported Boynton's
attempts to get its own high school and that this had been accomplished.
The Board reached a general consensus that while it would not be taking a position at
this time regarding the move of Atlantic High School, it would continue to study the
matter and keep the City Commission informed.
A. FUnding Issues
1) Career Academy at South Tech
The plans to move and combine the South Tech program with the new high school on
Jog Road were discussed. One of the considerations was that with its current location
and format, South Tech closely coordinates the academic program to the trades being
learned and this had been an important feature of the academy program. It is unknown
whether this would be continued if it were to be made a part of a regular high school.
South Tech has provided a valuable service to the community that the Board does not
want to lose. Ms. Farace commented that the EAB tried to get a technical component to
the new Boynton High School and could not because of South Tech. A comment was
made that the principal of South Tech, Mr. James Kidd, had indicated that he was no
longer concerned about the move. This prompted a Board decision to invite him to an
EAB meeting to discuss his thoughts on the matter.
Ms. Farace commented that South Tech's current location on Congress might be filled
with the Delray Full Service Center. Ms. Veronica Mackey shared her thoughts about
Delray Full Service and the many programs it offers. She commented also that if this
were to happen, it would be prudent to assure that the same resources that are being
put into the Delray Full Service Center now would continue in Boynton Beach. Ms.
Whetsell recommended the office of Jackie Dunne, Director of Alternative Education, as
the best source for the demographics the Board was trying to gather. It was recognized
that more information was needed before the Board could take a position on this.
Ms. Braswell suggesting tabling the issue. She offered to invite Mr. Kidd to the EAB
meeting on February 7 and the Board agreed.
Chair Agee and Ms. Cairo will work together to get more information about the Delray
Full Service School.
2) Magnet Schools - Poinciana and Congress
Ms. Whetsell stated that there were no hits to the magnet budget this year; however, the
decrease in the money that is coming from the State to all schools in Florida foretells
reductions in the budget for the following year. They are talking about increasing class
sizes across the board by one student. All the schools that are funded by the magnet
grant are losing their funding this year. Poinciana has never relied on that grant but has
always been funded by the School District.
Ms. Whetsell noted that when the newspapers give the FISH report, they will list
Poinciana as being under capacity but this is due to the laboratories they have at their
school and was not indicative of the true situation.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 14,2002
Ms. Mackey asked about the application process. Ms, Braswell discussed the application
process, saying that she had delivered applications all over Boynton Beach to churches
and pre-schools on the day of this meeting. The deadline for applications is February 22
for the first lottery. Ms. Mackey asked about the criteria. Ms. Braswell said that a
correctly filled out and signed application was the only criteria. There is no enrollment
criteria for elementary or middle schools except the School of the Arts that requires an
audition. Once a correctly filled out and signed application is received, it goes into the
lottery. Ms. Mackey asked if the applicants were chosen at random and Ms. Braswell
responded that the applicants were chosen based on the applicant pool, which is why
she takes the applications to such a wide cross-section of the population. They try to
maintain a diversified balance at the school. Some positive factors for selection would
be if the applicant has a sibling that already goes to the school, lives in a previously
established boundary zone, or is a staff member's child. These are automatic. From
there, they do a lottery system. The previously established attendance boundary goes
from the Canal to First Street and all the way to Boynton Beach Boulevard. On the east
side of the street from the Canal it goes to the railroad tracks. Once it gets to Boynton
Terrace on the east side of the street, it changes to Forest Park. Boynton Terrace on
the west side has always gone to Poinciana. She said that SAC 250D was on the other
side of the Canal and typically goes to Cypress Creek or Citrus Cove.
Ms. Whetsell fielded a question from Ms. Mackey about the number of slots that would
be available at Poinciana. Ms. Whetsell said that she would discuss this with the magnet
office and see if they could accept applications from SAC 250D later than the other
applications, due to the pending status of SAC 250D. Ms. Farace asked if they could
possibly have the information before the Boundary Subcommittee meeting on January
According to Ms. Mackey, the walk from SAC 250D to either Galaxy or Forest Park
would be too long and the children would have to leave home too early to get to school
on time. They would have to leave their homes at 6:45 a.m. when it is still dark. Ms.
Whetsell said that Rolling Green would be a safer choice. Ms. Farace noted that Rolling
Green was full and that there were issues of diversity and capacity at Galaxy that
needed to be addressed. If the students in the east go to the schools closest to their
homes, there would be no diversity in the schools. Ms. Farace agreed that two miles of
walking was too much for young children and that work had already begun on the trying
to get a bus if the children go to Galaxy.
Ms. Whetsell commended the EAB for doing a great job of being supportive of
Poinciana. The Board thanked her for coming to the meeting and sharing her
information and ideas.
3) Legislative Cuts to Education
The Board discussed the probable cuts to Education in the coming year and noted that
libraries and all child-based services were struggling.
Ms. Farace advised that there would be a meeting at the School Board on January 15 to
discuss starting a grass roots effort to change the philosophy at the State level regarding
funding for education. She stated that the principals were invited and that she would be
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 14, 2002
Ms. Whetsell said that the setup in Florida
attending for Boynton Beach High School.
was different from that of the northern schools. Florida does not have a state income
tax, which is where education normally receives its funding. Ms. Fellows commented
that education was not a priority at the state or national level. Ms. Whetsell responded
that it would only become so from a grass roots effort.
Ms. Mackey commented on the City's recent $90 assessment for fire services. She
would rather spend that money on education. Chair Agee noted that this had been part
of a Special Taxing District and that fire services was one of the few allowable reasons
for a Special Taxing District, under State law. Ms. Cairo suggested rallying the business
community for extra dollars. Ms. Fellows suggested soliciting help to market the eastern
school as premier schools also.
Ms. Farace announced that Jack Levine was doing Statewide visits to alert everyone to
issues about children and will be at Atlantis Plaza II in the Behavioral Health Learning
Center on the following Friday. If anyone is interested in hearing from an advocate of
children, they should telephone Ms. Farace for the details about registration.
4) David Fellows, On Campus Intervention Program and the TIPS
Mr. Fellows distributed a report to the Quantum Foundation from South County
regarding the On Campus Intervention Program at Congress Middle School for this year
with a comparison to last year's program. The program is going very well. There was a
request to expand the program and put it in a couple of other schools.
At the last Juvenile Justice Board meeting they distributed the budget sheets on the
Truancy Interdiction program and the funding is being cut for TIPS at the State level. Mr.
Fellows showed the Board a breakdown by municipality of a shared cost scheme based
on population, to carry the cost of the program. The Boynton Beach portion of this would
be $50,070,
The purpose of the TIPS program is to pick up the children who are supposed to be in
school. It has been the most successful Juvenile Justice Program in the State of Florida.
It keeps children in schools and increases the amount of FTE available to the school, so
it is win-win situation for everybody. Mr. Fellows commented that the EAB, if it so
desired, could encourage the City of Boynton Beach to support the TIPS program. He
stated that in 2003 there would be no funding for the TIPS program.
Also, the State of Florida has cut $75M from the Juvenile Justice Program, the vast
majority of which was in prevention and supervision such as probation officers. More
and more, the task of supervising juveniles who have been through the court system and
end up back on the streets will fall to the school system. Programs like TIPS will be
even more critical to maintain a good quality of life in communities.
Mr. Fellows explained that when TIPS picked up suspended students, they would not be
brought back to the schools as a regular student would. Their parents would be called to
pick them up. Dr. Bell suggested a $25 fee to pick the students up. Mr. Fellows agreed
but realistically, most of the parents do not have the money and it would cost even more
money to collect it.
Meeting Minutes '
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 14, 2002
Chair Agee thought it was something that the Board should definitely take under
Xl. Announcements & Other
Ms. Farace commented that the Advisory Board on Children & Youth had asked about
the EAB's plans for the Principal'S RoUndtable since they want to be put on the agenda.
Ms. Farace asked that this item be put On the EAB's next agenda.
Ms. Farace announced that the George Snow Scholarship Fund is available and copies
of the application are in the Library.
The Board discussed the current SAC assignments. Ms. Braswell commented that if an
individual joins a SAC organization, he or she should commit to carry their attendance
through the entire school year. When they drop out, it hurts the school when they are
going for Five-Star awards.
Chair Agee explained the SAC assignments and their purpose. The current SAC
assignments are:
Judith Braswell
Jean Cairo
Virginia Farace
Beverly Agee
Rae Fellows
Mark Scott
Revia Lee
Beverly Agee
Denise Chamberlain
Floyd Beil
Poinciana Elementary School
Atlantic High School
Boynton Beach Community High School
Odyssey Middle School
Forest Park Elementary School
South Technical Community High School
Santaluces High School
Congress Middle School
Galaxy Elementary School
Rolling Green Elementary School
Citrus Cove Elementary School
Chair Agee thanked the new members for offering to participate in the SAC
Ms. Fellows commented that the INCA Neighborhood Association was interested in
having someone come from the EAB to update the residents on the status of educational
issues. Chair Agee and Ms. Braswell will represent the EAB at the INCA meeting.
Ms. Braswell spoke about her visit to the Children's Museum and her talk with Arleen
Dennison. She was very impressed with the quality of the museum and brought it to the
attention of the faculty at Poinciana. Ms. Dennison invited the EAB to meet at the
museum and offered to open it up in the evening for that purpose. Ms. Braswell wanted
to move that the EAB have a meeting there but Ms. Farace stated that this would take a
lot of time and should be scheduled when there is a short agenda.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
Xll. Adjournment
There being no further business
adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)
to come
before the
January 14,2002
Board, the meeting was duly
board Chairperson