Diana Tedtmann, Chairperson
Jean Cairo
Dorothy A.P. Howard
Revia Lee
Mark R. Scott
Judith Braswell, Alternate
Andrea Jo Floyd, Student
Ashley Hall, Student (arrived at 6:40 p.m.)
Beverly Agee (absent due to illness)
Rae A. Fellows (absent due to illness)
I. Pledge
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
I1. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was present.
Virginia Farace, Board Liaison
and members introduced
III. Minutes, August 9, 2001 Meeting
Chairperson Tedtmann noted that on Page 2, Paragraph V. (4) the open house
at the High School was held on Monday, August 6th, not July 6~h.
Ms. Floyd requested that the record show that she arrived at the August meeting
at 7:00 p.m. due to a typographical error in her appointment letter.
Ms. Farace said that she had a parliamentary procedure question that she would
like addressed by the City Clerk. Ms. Farace checked Robert's Rules and it
stated that minutes should be distributed as a "draft". Any changes would be
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 6, 2001
made at the next meeting and then incorporated into the minutes. The minutes,
with any changes, would be approved and recorded as the final minutes. The
Recording Secretary responded that she would include this request in the
minutes and refer it to the City Clerk. (It should be noted that whenever there are
corrections to the minutes of a prior meeting, it is the City Clerk's Office policy to
make the corrections as directed. The minutes, as corrected, then become a
permanent record.)
Chairperson Tedtmann stated that the minutes stand approved as corrected.
Chair's Report-
Chairperson Tedtmann informed the Board that Commissioner Charlie Fisher
purchased tee shirts for all Board members. She will bring them to the School
Improvement Plan meeting.
The Advisory Board on Children and Youth minutes indicated that on November
10th at 9:45 at the Odyssey Middle School a walk-a-thon will take place to raise
funds for arts and music education. A picnic will be held after the walk. An open
house at the School will be held on October 2, 2001 at 7:00 p.m.
The Advisory Board on Children and Youth would also like to have a board forum
of the three boards, Dates being suggested are October 27th or November 17th.
Ms. Farace noted that the requested date is now November 17th. Chairperson
Tedtmann explained to the members the purpose of. the advisory board forums.
The forums usually take place on a Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
Commissioner Fisher donated school supplies again this year to the Boynton
Beach elementary schools, which' is coordinated with the Community Relations
IV. City Liaison's Report
Ms. Farace reported that City Manager Bressner requested that nameplates be
purchased for the advisory boards. The Library Board did not feel there was a
need to purchase nameplates since they do not sit at a dais. Members of the
Education Advisory Board also felt there was no need to purchase nameplates,
especially due to the turnover of membership on the Board. If the occasion arose
that nameplates were needed, they could use the cardboard type.
V. Public Audience
VI. Unfinished Business
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 6, 2001
A. Roundtable Dates- Judith Braswell
Ms. Lee reported she spoke with Mrs. Decker and it was determined that the best
time to hold the roundtable would be after the first of the year. Mrs. Decker felt
that the greatest concern that needed addressing would be legislative issues.
The principals will be meeting on September 20th and she will explore this further
at that time.
Ms. Farace would like to have some discussion on the boundary issue, magnet
schools and schools of choice. School safety issues are another topic that should
be discussed. Members would also like to have representatives from the School
Board attend.
B. Dates
School Improvement Plans will be presented on September
24th at 6:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room.
Chairperson Tedtmann requested that as many Board members attend as
possible. Each school will have seven minutes to make its presentation.
Mr. Scott announced that South Technical would be holding its open
house on September 20th at 6:30 p.m.
The first Magnet Evaluation Workshop will be held on Monday,
September 10th at 3:30 p.m. in the School Board Room
The first Charter School District Workshop will be held on Monday,
September 17, 2001 at 4:30 p.m. in the School Board Room
Open House and tour of Odyssey Middle School - previously
Ms. Farace distributed the flyer for the School Improvement Plan Public
Presentation and noted that Atlantic High School was not included.
C. Boundaries
Ms. Farace reported that the boundary committee was reformulated and met for
the first time last Thursday. The Municipal League appointed Ms. Janet Meeks to
represent the southern cities in the County. A second person was appointed from
Lake Worth. There are 1'9 people appointed to the committee. Ms. Linda Hines,
the District Representative for boundaries, will continue in that capacity, as well
as Art Whitman who is a demographics expert. The Boynton Beach Elementary
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 6, 2001
boundaries should be coming up for discussion very shortly. Ms. Meeks has
requested that the public be allowed to speak when a particular school is being
discussed. Most committee members are against this. Currently, the public
audience takes place prior to the meetings when there are no committee
members or audience present because the meeting does not start until later.
Ms. Farace reported that a sub-boundary committee meeting was held last week
at the Library and this committee will be meeting every Thursday at 4:30 p.m. All
Board members are welcome to attend the meetings.
Mr. Scott inquired if students living in Golfview Harbour will be included in the
zoning to attend the new elementary school being built on Congress Avenue.
Ms. Farace replied that this area was designated for the new school. Currently, it
is not known if the community east of 1-95, known as Mission Hill, would be
included. Residents of that area would like their children included.
Chairperson Tedtmann felt it was important to have a representative from the
Boynton Beach PTA attend the sub-boundary committee meetings. Mr. Scott will
contact the PTA presidents to locate a representative. He will also try to recruit
a student.
D. SAC Assignments
Every member of the Education Advisory Board must serve on a SAC
Committee. The following Board members will cover the following schools:
Citrus Cove Elementary - Dorothy A.P. Howard
Ms. Howard did not think that any meetings have been held. The principal
indicated that she would mail her a copy of the minutes after the meetings.
Galaxy Elementary- Andrea Jo Floyd
Ms. Floyd said she attended the SAC meeting at Galaxy Elementary. The
meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m., unless it is a
holiday; then it would be held on a Tuesday. Ms. Floyd reported that trimester
report cards are being implemented. The ratio of third grade students to teacher
is 31 to 1. There are no assistant teachers in the classrooms. Ms. Farace
requested that Ms. Floyd determine what the total enrollment was at the school.
Ms. Floyd will make copies of all the literature that she received at the meeting
and provide copies to the members. Rolling Green is still rated as a "C" School.
Ms. Braswell reported that the pilot schools now have computer-generated
records. The grades and attendance will be recorded on the computer. Ms. Floyd
noted that the first report card would be out on November 14th. There will be a
Meeting Minutes -
Education AdVisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 6, 2001
web site where parents can check on the progress of their children and hard
copies would be available at the school.
ROlling Green School -- Chairperson Tedtmann (No report)
Boynton Beach High School- Virginia Farace (No report)
Odyssey Middle School - Chairperson Tedtmann/Ashley Hall
Congress Middle School- Chairperson Tedtmann/Ashley Hall
Chairperson Tedtmann received an application to attend the Odyssey Middle
School SAC meetings, which she will forward to Ms. Hall. She and Ms. Hall
would be sharing the Middle School meetings depending upon the time of the
Poinciana Elementary School - Judith Braswell
Ms. Braswell reported that a draft of the School Improvement Plan was reviewed
and discussed. The first PTO meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday at 6:30
Atlantic High School- Rae Fellows (not present)
Forest Park School -- Jean Cairo
Santaluces High SchOol- Revia Lee (no report)
The only school not covered was Christa McAuliffe Middle School. It was
determined that Chairperson Tedtmann, Ms. Hall and Ms. Agee would share in
attending the three middle schools.
Plumosa Elementary--Mark Scott (No report)
South Technical High School- Mark Scott (see below)
X. New Business
A. South Technical
Mr. Scott reported that the School District is not providing the necessary funding
for the career academies for South Technical as promised. As a result, the SAC
committee held a business meeting and invited all the school business
supporters. These companies have sent proclamations to the School District
supporting the career academies.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 6, 2001
Mr. Kidd, the Principal of South Technical, has asked the City to help support the
School's programs. Chairperson Tedtmann would like to prepare a Resolution
that could be signed by the City Commission and presented to the School District
evidencing the City's support for South Tech. It is being suggested that Mr. Kidd
make a presentation to the Commission to advise them of what is happening at
the School. A date for the presentation will be arranged. Mr. Scott will follow
through with Mr. Kidd.
The School is also in need of a cafeteria,, gymnasium and sports program.
Mr. Scott noted that the School Board is eliminating para-professionals in the
elementary schools. The County Council of PTAs is against this. The executive
board sent a letter to Dr. Johnson opposing this. It is anticipated that a
proclamation will be sent to the School Board in opposition to this change in
The next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 4th at 6:00 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two. tapes)
(September 10, 2001)