Minutes 08-09-01MINUTES OF THE EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD IN THE LIBRARY PROGRAM ROOM, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2001 AT 6:00 P.M. Present Diana Tedtmann, Chairperson Rae A. Fellows Dorothy A.P. Howard Mark R. Scott Judith Braswell, Alternate (arrived at 6:30 p.m.) Andrea Jo Floyd, Student (arrived at 7:00 p.m.) Ashley Hall, Student Virginia Farace, Board Liaison Absent Beverly Agee Revia Lee I. Pledge The meeting was called to order at 6:25 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. I1. Roll Call The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum present. III. Minutes, June 7, 2001 Meetinq Chairperson Tedtmann reported that the July meeting scheduled at South Technical High School was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Ms. Farace requested that a change be made in the last sentence on Page 3, Item IX, of the June 7, 2001 minutes. The sentence should be changed to read "...that the new boundaries would have more of an impact upon Boynton Beach than it would upon Delray and Boca". Motion Ms. Howard moved to accept the minutes of the June 7, 2001 meeting, as amended. Motion duly seconded and carried. Meeting Minutes Education Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 9, 2001 IV. Chair's Report - Co-Chair discussion Chairperson Tedtmann said that she would be stepping down as Chair because she would be returning to school to attain her Master's Degree. She requested that a new Chair be chosen. Ms. Farace suggested that Chairperson Tedtmann remain as Chair and that a Co-Chair be chosen to share the Chair's duties. Members discussed sharing duties as Co-Chair on a rotating basis. Chairperson Tedtmann said that she could use assistance in preparation and assimilation of the agenda. Ms. Farace felt it was important that a Board member be available to attend meetings and community forums whenever necessary. It was determined to table the election of a Co-Chair until the next meeting. Chairperson Tedtmann will contact a member to assist her with the September agenda. Chairperson Tedtmann reported on the following: A Charter School opened in Lantana and they are recruiting students from Boynton Beach. (2) The Advisory Board on Children and Youth is doing a volunteer wall mural paintin~ project at Rolling Green School that is scheduled for November l0th and 17"'. The project is being coordinated with the School Board. (3) The Advisory Board on Children and Youth would like to participate in the Principals' Roundtable. V. City Liaison's Report Ms. Farace reported on the following: (1) The new Boynton Beach High School is open. City employees hosted a breakfast for the teachers at the Boynton Beach Mall. A reception and fashion show was presented with fashions furnished by Burdines. Many other merchants donated items. Mayor Broening, City Manager Bressner and Commissioners Fisher and McCray attended. (2) Because of the new building codes, some of the classrooms at the new High School need to have second doors installed and an additional stairway is also needed. The necessary work is being performed. (3) (4) Next week the School Board will be voting on the funding of $700,000 for the bleachers. There will be 3,000 home seats, 1,000 visitors' seats, a press box and an elevator. Five other schools will be receiving bleachers. An open house was held at the High School on Monday, ¢u~y-August 6th. 2 Meeting Minutes Education Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 9, 2001 (5) A reception for the City's sister city, Qufu, China will take place in the auditorium of the new High School on Friday, August 17th to welcome the Chinese delegation. Tickets are free. Chairperson Tedtmann reported that parents were concerned about the students walking to the High SchOol by crossing over 1-95 and Gateway. A pedestrian overpass will be built which will take approximately one year. In the meantime, students will be bused. VI. Public Audience Mr. David Fellows will present his report on the OClP Program under New Business. VII. Unfinished Business A. Roundtable Dates- Judith Braswell Ms. Braswell reported that Ms. Lee at the last meeting indicated that she would e- mail all the principals regarding dates for the roundtable. Ms. Farace said she spoke with Ms. Decker from the School District who indicated that she should be the contact to arrange a date. Chairperson Tedtmann explained to the newer members the purpose of the roundtable. It is attended by the Board members, City Commissioners, area principals and the general public. Ms. Braswell will speak with Ms. Lee to determine if a date has been selected and to inform her to contact Ms. Decker. B. Dates School Improvement Plans will be presented on September 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room. The regular meeting of the Education Advisory Board will be held on Thursday, September 6th. Ms. Braswell inquired if there would be guidelines for the SIP presentations. Ms. Farace responded that this was Ms. Decker's responsibility. Ms. Braswell suggested making the presentations more exciting. Members felt this would make the presentations too long, Members were advised to arrive before 6:00 p.m. The Tri-City South County Education Coalition - August 27th at 6:00 p.m. - Delray Beach City Hall The meeting date has been changed to the fourth Monday of the month. Mr. David Fellows agreed to be the Community Businessperson to represent the City at the meetings. Meeting Minutes Education Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 9, 2001 Safe Schools Presentation at City Commission Meeting on Wednesday, September 4th at 5:30 p.m. at the Boynton Beach Community High School Ms. Alison Adler from the School District will be speaking at the request of Commissioner Fisher. C. Boundaries Ms. Farace reported that she and Chairperson Tedtmann met with Linda Hines to discuss boundary issues. As a result of the meeting, Ms. Farace received six different plans that are being considered for the two new elementary schools. Ms. Farace requested that Board members serve on a boundary sub-committee to analyze the plans and to speak at the boundary meetings. Ms. Farace distributed a copy of the Boundary Committee Procedural Process setting the rules and policies that have been adopted by the School Board. Two representatives from the Palm Beach County League of Cities will serve on the Committee to represent the cities. Ms. Janet Meeks was selected to represent Boynton Beach and agreed to accept the appointment. The City and Delray Beach sent letters to the League of Cities supporting Ms. Meeks. The Executive Board will be making its recommendation to the full League. West Palm Beach will be making the second selection. Jody Gleason will be appointing Ms. Sandy Greenberg, the Vice Chair of COBWRA, to represent COBWRA. Ms. Braswell agreed to review the plans. Ms. Farace pointed out that there are two new elementary schools that will be opening in the City and the boundaries of all City elementary schools will be changed. It is important that the Board stay involved with the boundary issue, as well as the issue of school choice. In addition, the City Commission set the boundary issue as the primary issue of the Board. Ms. Fellows pointed out that the Board focused last year on the boundary issue and she would like the Board to set additional goals to work on. Chairperson Tedtmann said that the Board had set priorities in the spring, but it was decided that these would be worked on at a workshop. She suggested that in November the Board could work on other priorities. Ms. Fellows agreed to review the information prepared for the School Board on choice. D. SAC Assignments Chairperson Tedtmann explained to the new members the purpose of serving on and attending SAC (School Advisory Council) meetings. Members are expected to attend the monthly meetings and report back to this Board. Mr. Scott requested that Plumosa School be added to the list. Members agreed to serve on the following SACs: 4 Meeting Minutes Education Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 9, 2001 · Mark Scott -- South Technical High School School · Virginia Farace -- Boynton Beach High School and Plumosa Elementary Mr. Fellows requested to make his report as he had another appointment. The assignment of the SACs was temporarily tabled. E. OClP/Congress Middle School Report Mr. David Fellows reported that this would be the second year for the program at Congress and Christa McAuliffe Middle Schools. It is difficult to evaluate the program due to the constant changes in the school boundaries, which affects the student population. Mr. Fellows briefly described the On-Campus Intervention Program (OCIP) for the benefit of the new members. He reported that school suspensions at these schools have decreased as a result of the Program. The faculties strongly support the program. Both schools will undergo changes in teachers and counselors this year. Carver Middle School and Santaluces High School were turned down for a grant and were not able to participate in the program. Senator Klein will again sponsor Safe School Legislation. A State Representative is also needed to sponsor the legislation and a Representative from Dade County is being considered. As the result of a negative newspaper article about Congress Middle School, Mr. Fellows contacted Mayor Broening who in turn, with the Commissioners and City Manager, responded with a positive letter to the Editor of the Sun Sentinel. A copy of the letter was distributed to the members. D. SAC Assignments continued Ms. Braswell suggested that if a Board member was not available to serve on a SAC that the minutes of the meetings be obtained. Members agreed that this arrangement would be helpful. · Rae Fellows -Atlantic High School · Judy Braswell- Poinciana Elementary · Andrea Floyd - Galaxy School · Dorothy Howard - Citrus Cove · Ashley Hall* , Chairperson Tedtmann* (*Ms. Hall and Chairperson Tedtmann will determine who will take Odyssey Middle School or Congress Middle School depending upon the time of the meetings.) 5 Meeting Minutes Education Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 9, 2001 Mr. Scott will telephone the schools to determine the time of the various SAC meetings. The remainder of the Schools will be left unassigned until the absent members are present at the next meeting to make their choices. X. New Business Mr. Scott stated he was pleased that there is a new High School in Boynton Beach, but before the new High School was built, there already was South Technical High School in the City, which also acts as the City's Community School for adults. Mr. Scott would like South Technical to receive more publicity and equal support from the Board. Xl. Next Meeting and Adjournment The next meeting is sCheduled for September 6, 2001 at 6:00 P.M. There being no further business the meeting properly adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara M. Madden Recording Secretary (two tapes) (August 10, 2001) 6